DSTs for Wiki Pages and Items


There's a new (beta) feature that we just deployed. It's the ability to create DSTs for Wiki Pages and Items, just like we do for Characters.

There are no DSTs created for Wiki Pages or Items yet, but if you want to dive in and start creating them and using them, comment here and let me know, and I'll add you to the beta feature.

Obsidian Portal Developer



  • ElMuggs
    Posts: 61

    Oh that is awesome! 

    Could I be added to the Beta feature as I'd love to try and make a DnD 'Spells' DST for wiki pages.

    DM of The Domains of Dread Council Meeting (...a Comedic Misadventure though the mists of a re-imagined Ravenloft! ) - COTM Feb 2023! 

  • thaen
    Posts: 1,086

    @ElMuggs, excellent!

    I added you to the beta, so you should now see a "DSTs on Wiki Pages and Items" checkbox in your Campaign Settings Advanced tab.

    Let me know if you have any questions or run into any issues!

    Obsidian Portal Developer

  • ElMuggs
    Posts: 61

    Great, could you point me to the 'how to make a DST' resource if it's not too much bother, as I've never done this before ? :)

    DM of The Domains of Dread Council Meeting (...a Comedic Misadventure though the mists of a re-imagined Ravenloft! ) - COTM Feb 2023! 

  • thaen
    Posts: 1,086


    In the footer of the backend pages there's a link to "Dynamic Sheet Templates".

    That links to here:


    At the top of that is a "Read Me First" section that has a link to the tutorial, which is here:




    Obsidian Portal Developer

  • nuadaria
    Posts: 58

    I'll take an invite to the beta please.

  • thaen
    Posts: 1,086

    @nuadaria, most definitely! Added!

    You should now see a "DSTs on Wiki Pages and Items" checkbox in your Campaign Settings Advanced tab.

    Let me know if you have any questions or run into any issues!

    Obsidian Portal Developer

  • nuadaria
    Posts: 58

    Awesome, thank you so much!

  • nuadaria
    Posts: 58

    OK, I give. I have namespaced my CSS but thus far I am unable to see any of it apply regardless of selecting tags or classes under that.


    HTML sample

    <div class="gazetteer_wrapper">
    <div class="gazetteer_grid-item">

    CSS sample

    .ds_gazetteerTemplate .gazetteer_wrapper {
    display: grid;
    grid-template-columns: auto max-content;
    gap: 15px;

    .ds_gazetteerTemplate .gazetteer_grid-item {
    text-align: center;

    I'm certain there's something very simple I am missing here. I can see the "ds_gazetteerTemplate" class being added to the erapper div but even trying to select that and manipulate it directly seems to fail.


    Thanks for any help.

  • thaen
    Posts: 1,086


    You didn't miss anything. There was a bug preventing the css and js from being applied to the saved version of the page ... sorry for the hassle!

    Try it now and let me know if you have any more issues.

    Obsidian Portal Developer

  • nuadaria
    Posts: 58 edited November 2023

    Just like magic, it works now. Now to ummm... make this css not look like it was written by a mostly back end dev pretending to be full stack.

    Post edited by nuadaria on
  • nuadaria
    Posts: 58

    @thaen Before I pull my hair out here, is there something possibly that might be preventing the usage of the CSX libraries on a wiki page? If not I've just cocked something up and I'll go back to poking.

  • nuadaria
    Posts: 58

    Related. Only one of my campaigns seems to be able to see the Dynamic Sheet Template field on new wiki pages. Double checked that the others (I am also DM of those) have the "DSTs on Wiki Pages and Items" checkbox checked at /settings/advanced-settings

    Even a brand new campaign doesn't seem to work.

    I'd like to play in an environment that doesn't have a bunch of custom css floating about so I know what this thing is really going to look like. Fairly confident I have ported most of the css over but I've surely missed something.

  • thaen
    Posts: 1,086 edited November 2023

    Before I pull my hair out here, is there something possibly that might be preventing the usage of the CSX libraries on a wiki page? If not I've just cocked something up and I'll go back to poking.

    I'm not familiar with the CSX libraries, but I would open the console on the browser and see if it's quietly throwing any errors.

    I don't think there is any processing on the js, so you shouldn't be running into any issues in development. BUT, I think in the DST documentation, it says that DSTs can't use external libraries ... aside from Chainsaw's. So you shouldn't have issues developing your DST, but you might get a request from the approver to remove the external library (or roll whatever you need into your code locally). (As I understand it, this is so the content of the libraries can't be changed out after the fact and break the DST.)

    Related. Only one of my campaigns seems to be able to see the Dynamic Sheet Template field on new wiki pages. Double checked that the others (I am also DM of those) have the "DSTs on Wiki Pages and Items" checkbox checked at /settings/advanced-settings

    Even a brand new campaign doesn't seem to work.

    Try setting the Game System of the Campaign to your DST's Game System. The field only shows if there are DSTs to show. (There are some edge cases that are exceptions ... but that's the general case.)


    Yeah, if something isn't immediately working like you would expect, feel free to check in here before you break out the epilator. : ) I'm happy to take a look and save you some headache!
    Post edited by thaen on

    Obsidian Portal Developer

  • nuadaria
    Posts: 58

    @thaen The system selection was 100% the issue, thanks for that.


    I should have been more clear, I was referring to the Chainsaw's work, specifically the dynamic lists bit. I'll keep poking at it though. It will be easier to rule out any of my other custom work now that I can use this DST in a fresh game.

  • nuadaria
    Posts: 58

    I solved my own problem. It was most definitely me. I had forgotten to include one of the required divs for those libraries to function. Sadly there was no error, I just had to go back to one of the sheets in the repo and start comparing.

  • nuadaria
    Posts: 58

    Not exactly sure where the best place to get feedback for this is but thought I'd start here (also in discord). I have taken a stab at turning one of my wiki page formats into something a little more generic. It's a sort of Gazetteer type thing based on a familiar wiki style of thing. I'm including a pic of it in a vanilla game and in one with custom styling. I left the color on for the table (this can be overridden in custom css of a site) but felt it looked a better example of what you can do with that readily visible.


    Please let me know what you think:


  • thaen
    Posts: 1,086

    I should have been more clear, I was referring to the Chainsaw's work

    Haha! Or ... I should have known that. : ) I had even googled "CSX libraries" and didn't find anything, so I figured it was some obscure js library. Ha!


    I have taken a stab at turning one of my wiki page formats into something a little more generic.

    This looks really nice!

    Obsidian Portal Developer

  • nuadaria
    Posts: 58



    I meant to ask... Is there a way that we can use the ootb OP linking in DSTs? I'd love for it to be able to support back linking/not require folks to know how to use anchor tags. I get why character sheets wouldn't have links in them but wiki pages are gunna need that :)

  • nuadaria
    Posts: 58

    Cleaned up a bit so that it doesn't look like I built it by banging rocks together even if that's true. Also made the right side table dynamic and submitted for approval.

  • thaen
    Posts: 1,086

    I meant to ask... Is there a way that we can use the ootb OP linking in DSTs? I'd love for it to be able to support back linking/not require folks to know how to use anchor tags. I get why character sheets wouldn't have links in them but wiki pages are gunna need that :)

    That doesn't work currently, but I've added it to the Feature Request list.


    Obsidian Portal Developer

  • thaen
    Posts: 1,086

    This feature is now out of beta and available for anyone to use.

    To enable Wiki Page and Item DSTs, go to your Campaign's Settings, Advanced tab, and check the box for "DSTs on Wiki Pages and Items".

    Then create a New Wiki Page or Edit a Wiki Page and you'll see the DST dropdown.

    @nuadaria has created two DSTs that are available to any/all Game Systems.

    Anyone that wants to can work on adding other DSTs for additional options. I've seen a number of requests for a "timeline" feature. And some members that have already created timelines in their Campaigns with CSS and HTML. This would be a great way to make that ability/feature available to the whole OP Community. Hint hint. : )

    Obsidian Portal Developer

  • nuadaria
    Posts: 58

    Well damn... now I guess I know what my next project has to be...

  • thaen
    Posts: 1,086


    Obsidian Portal Developer

  • nuadaria
    Posts: 58

    @thaen I know that per the help article external js libraries outside of the ChainsawXIV stuff isn't permitted. Is there a process whereby something else can be allowed, forked to a repo where it could be kept safe from possible external edits, etc?


    I ask because my implementation of a timeline makes use of such a library and I'm loathe to reinvent the wheel here.

  • nuadaria
    Posts: 58 edited January 12

    Realizing now that linking to is might make sense...


    Post edited by nuadaria on
  • thaen
    Posts: 1,086

    Is there a process whereby something else can be allowed, forked to a repo where it could be kept safe from possible external edits, etc?

    That sounds possible/reasonable. I'll run it by the other devs and see if they have any objections. Thanks for bringing it up!


    Obsidian Portal Developer

  • nuadaria
    Posts: 58

    Awesome, thanks! Off the cuff I was thinking perhaps an official-ish OP github account could fork the repo(maybe others in the future)  and perhaps we could reference it from there instead of a public repo where changes could be made outside of OP's influence.

  • nuadaria
    Posts: 58

    @thaen I was feeling the bug to write some code since I'm back to being leadership again in my professional life. Any chance there was some movement on this?

  • thaen
    Posts: 1,086

    @nuadaria, some movement, but not a satisfying amount. My initial attempt at this was to just have us include the timeline js in OP's regular code. I brought that up, but it hasn't happened yet.

    But I learned recently that we already do have a semi-official GitHub page for the DSTs. So, now that I'm thinking about it, this could be something we do there. I'll bring it up with Chainsaw and see what he thinks since he's the one managing that GitHub page.

    For reference, here it is:


    And here's an example of how it's referenced in the DSTs already:




    Obsidian Portal Developer

  • nuadaria
    Posts: 58

    Awesome, thanks for the update!

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