Horsens Denmark greets you

edited November 2009 in Player Lounge


  • Jacobklitte
    Posts: 1
    27 year old male roleplayer who's been playing for some 15+ years and GMing regularly for over 10 of those.

    My main campaign at the moment is 4th edition D&D. I play a small variety of systems (mainly due to access and player availability issues) but have interest in a much broader field. I also do some extensive tinkering not only with house rules but also with building/designing my own games.

    All in all, probably not that different from most GMs out there.

    I've recently moved here to horsens from viborg, some 50 miles/80 km away, so this has reduced my player base to a weekly drive back and forth to run my regular campaign.
    If you're anywhere near Horsens and could use an extra player or even a game, I'd especially love to hear from you.
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