Private tags?


  • youmakeme
    Posts: 3
    It is possible to make tags private so only the GM can see them? I want to sort my NPCs by their power but i dont want the PCs to see how powerfull they are...

    I can make a "GM Only" wiki page to sort them but i want a more elegant solution. Thanks in advance!
  • autumnschild
    Posts: 153
    Oh, GM only tags... Not a bad suggestion! Thanks youmakeme! For now I'm sorry to say that you'll have to do the GM Only wiki page.

    Good Gaming,

  • youmakeme
    Posts: 3
    Hey thanks for the quick response!

    I will keep sorting my NPCs in the "GM Only" wiki then :) .

    Also i have another question. It is possible to completely erase a tag?. I know i can erase tags from wikis and NPCs but i have some minor problems with lowercase/uppercase names and i want all to look the same. Thanks in advance!
  • ChainsawXIV
    Posts: 530
    The upper case lower case thing with tags is something I noticed when I started using them as well, but I wasn't able to pin down the pattern of what's causing it. Some tags - usually common seeming tag words - change capitalization from what you enter when you save them. I would guess that the system tries to standardize the capitalization across pages, but actually does it across multiple wikis, so other people's differently capitalized tags that already exist prevent you from getting what you want.
  • autumnschild
    Posts: 153
    Hey ChainsawXIV

    Yeah, I noticed that too on some of my campaigns. I can't promise an imediate fix, but I can promise that it's something we'd love to fix as soon as possible!

    Good Gaming,

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