Rafael from P.R.

edited November 2009 in Player Lounge


  • ralfast
    Posts: 1
    I found the site via Penny Arcade and so far I like what I see. Gabe has a great campaign going. I decided to follow up our last GM campaign in Greyhawk using 4E. Crossing my fingers I won't screw up too badly.
  • autumnschild
    Posts: 153
    The only way to fail for certain, is to never try. Welcome to the site Ralfast! If you need some help with anything feel free to look around or ask. We're a right friendly bunch.

    Good Gaming,
  • FemmeLegion
    Posts: 521
    Ralfast, I'm just about right there with you, except I'm dragging my feet on building up the rest of my world.

    Mine will be a very weird spinoff of Florimel's "American Pantheon" campaign that he never got around to archiving here. I'm hoping to keep the actual character encores to a minimum, but I can think of up to three that might legitimately make a re-appearance.

    And I'm going to 4E for it as well. It'll be quite a shift from White Wolf's SCION system. =)
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