2e resources


  • countamantea
    Posts: 5
    Hi everyone, I've been checking out this site for a few days and I'm considering moving my campaign over here as I can't seem to find a better solution for running my 2e campaign than word and excel that doesn't require a lot of conversion. I've looked around here but haven't found many 2e templates or resources, does anyone know of any character sheets or monster cards or the like?

  • autumnschild
    Posts: 153
    For D&D 2e? I'm not sure. ChainsawXIV has a great stickied post with lots of resources here (http://forums.obsidianportal.com/forums/5/topics/1168) does any of that help you?

    Good Gaming,
  • countamantea
    Posts: 5
    Yep D&D 2e. I did indeed check out ChainsawXIV's post, it was very helpful and I might end up converting some of those resources from D&D 3, 3.5, or 4 if there isn't anything out there right now.
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