Help adjusting text size in Textile tables

edited January 2010 in Campaign Portal Building
So, I am currently designing a custom stat block form for my PC and NPC records on the site and I'm having trouble getting textile to adjust the font size within the tables. I can adjust regular text within a div or span, but as soon as it is enclosed within a table, it reverts to the default size.

Here's a link to my "work in progress":

Here is an example of my code:

table{border:1px solid black;margin-bottom:10px;width:200px;font-size:8pt;}.
==|\3={color:white;background:#666666}. *Abilities* | | |==
==| Strength |=. *12* |=. (+1) |==
=={background:#ddd}. | Dexterity |=. *14* |=. (+2) |==
==| Constitution |=. *14* |=. (+2) |==
=={background:#ddd}. | Intelligence |=. *13* |=. (+1) |==
==| Wisdom |=. *11* |=. (+0) |==
=={background:#ddd}. | Charisma |=. *17* |=. (+3) |==

I have tried placing the "font-size" instructions at pretty much every level from the enclosing div to each span, but table text always reverts to the default size.
The only thing I have found that works is to enclose the text of each individual cell in the following code:

==%{font-size:8pt}small text here%==

I just don't want to have to clutter up my tables by coding each individual cell.

Any advice or insight would be appreciated.


  • ChainsawXIV
    Posts: 530
    Unfortunately, I don't think there's any really good way to solve this at the moment. I suspect the issue is that the site's global CSS applies a specific font size to all table cells, rather than letting the setting trickle down through the HTML structure. In order to supersede that setting, you have to make your change at or below that level, which in this case means individually handling each cell.
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