Cross Campaign Material

edited February 2010 in Campaign Portal Building
Greetings! An OP n00b here. Before I get to deep into adding material, I wanted to understand how the site works with organizing and accessing material. Eberron is my setting of choice. Lets say I plan to run a variety of individual campaigns with different PCs over time (say run Eyes of the Lich Queen with one set of PCs then run Expedition to Castle Ravenloft with another). Should I set that up as one Campaign and use the Tags to keep the material aligned or should I set up two distinct campaigns? My reason for asking is I want the ability to access any world material easily for both campaigns.

At first blush, it appears it should be the former approach. I set up a dummy second campaign and it did not appear that wiki pages from the first was available. Is there a setting I am missing or just best to use one campaign with tags (say EoLQ and Ravenloft for campaign specific materials).



  • Dethstryke
    Posts: 50

    You bring up a good question, and perhaps this needs to be a site suggestion. I'll only comment on how the site works right now, but I think your idea there has some merit as an improvement. Currently pages in one campaign do not link to pages in another campaign, even if you are the GM of both.

    I think it would be best to set up a campaign for every game that has different Characters and/or Game System. The players can easily join any or all in any combination, and that way it segregates the information. While world information is not shared (which would really be nice) as you point out, *if only 25% of your pages are static world details* it's not too much trouble to copy-clip the page details to the second campaign after you've written them once. The reason being is that things like NPCs and total Wiki pages can already get sizable enough without mixing in a whole other campaign! You'd be saving yourself trouble on one side, only to needlessly complicate the other side.

    The bolded IF is the improtant part there. On the other hand, if you run a static world, so each campaign's effects are felt in other games you run, then I can certainly see why you'd like it all to be in one place. *IF more than 60-70% of your pages turn out to be this way*, then it would be most effective to keep it in one campaign.

    When you first start up, I found a little planning goes a long way with Tags. Doesn't have to be fancy. I'm talking about just actually using them for all of your pages from the start. Below is my tag list for my Rise of the Runelords campaign. I made the 6 books in the Aventure Path listed as Chapters, so sepearating the content by what is relevant to the individual arcs was helpful to me. I have a couple not on this list: all city names to combine the people, places and events tied specifically to the city. The largest one is Sandpoint right now, for example, and that's a tag on NPCs, Places, Knowledges, etc. In your case, EoLQ and Ravenloft would be similiar additions since you can only sort results by one tag at a time. I'm hoping Boolean combinations for sorting come down the pipe, but I don't know when that would happen if it does.

    This covered almost everything for me. Most pages have more than one tag.

    (Post too long! ;) Next post is the list)
  • Dethstryke
    Posts: 50 edited February 2010
    Any page or NPC with this tag means I have more to put up for the public view on that page. So check back soon for updates and changes!

    Any page that has just been added within the last two sessions. After the "initial launch", changes will warrant the "updated" tag.

    this will show when new information on existing pages has been added within the last two sessions (in the last month). This makes it easy to sort the new stuff from the old stuff, rather than reading everything just in case I added a bit to another page. *NOTE: I expect you to do this too for any page you change!!*

    *Ch1 - Ch2 - etc.*
    Chapter One, Chapter Two, Etc. These will be used to easily organize different things that you interact with during a chapter. For instance, the General Store has been visited in both the First and Second chapters so it has both Ch1 & Ch2, but the Mercantile League has only been visited in the second chapter so it has Ch2 only. I've found this very helpful while prepping for future stuff, too.

    These tags show you things that you learn with these Knowledges. New information and details can be unlocked by research and use of Knowledges in-game. I will tag who and when received the extra information on each page, and there may be awards to those who discover the most...

    Things that happen at different times, perhaps a one-time event or over a period of time (days/months/years). {This can be a sub-section}

    Magical or mundane equipment, items, relics, tid-bits, etc.

    Ruins, caves, temples, lairs, or any place that is not a current population. This is not to be confused with "Places", though sometimes there is a need to make apparent duplicates. {for example: The ruins of the old city would be a LOCATION, where the repopulated area of those ruins that make the "new city" would be a POPULATIONS. A small armory in the new city would be a PLACES.}

    Anything the party has faced or learned about; specifically unlocked information through role-play or knowledge checks.

    Buildings, companies, locations; resources for the party to purchase, barter, explore, enjoy, obtain equipment, services, or visit.

    Any type of Capital, city, town, village, settlement, way-station, etc.

    Areas of the world in size greater than major cities, which are covered under "Populations"

    Groups, clubs, organizations, unions, races, etc.

    PC tags for player specific information, background and log posts.
    Post edited by Dethstryke on
  • amerigoV
    Posts: 9
    Thanks for the reply. I will probably just link to Eberron Wiki for the basics (Dragonmarks, countries, etc) and just put up custom or more relevant deep material here. Then the Campaign material that is relevant across campaigns will be lower.

    I like your tag organization - I'll work up something similar.
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