Siteripping text

edited March 2010 in Campaign Portal Building
I have a player who is unable to access OP at work, where he would do most of his reading. He's asked me to compile a text version of the wiki, but since I wrote it straight into OP that would require a lot of manual crawling and copypasta. Siterip software doesn't seem to like OP's design (I figure its the Java) so I was wondering if anyone had an elegant solution (or if there was a way to simply download the file structure ftp-wise from the OP servers).


  • sandman
    Posts: 155
    The only alternative I can think of is just downloading the web pages... I realize it's a lot of work too, but at least you would just need to save everything to the same folder, instead of select text > copy > paste which seems longer..
  • DiceMasterNick
    Posts: 56
    I found that OP is pretty easily viewed on mobile phones as well. You dont have to have an iphone but you do have to suffer through the slow load times. (I have verizon navigator)
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