The Behemoth

edited April 2010 in Campaign Portal Building
I need to create a new creature within D&D 3.5. I am calling it (for now) The Behemoth. I am thinking along the lines of the biblical Behemoth. A large land creature that is virtually unstoppable. I am considering using something like a large (or huge) rhinocerous type creature, or maybe a construct, but am having a tough time coming up with ideas and Stats. Any help?

Large or Huge size


  • sandman
    Posts: 155 edited April 2010
    Even though this is very old, I think it could help you, or at least give you an idea of what it could look like:

    In "Heroes of Might and Magic III": there was a creature called The Behemoth, here's a link to it:

    * "The Behemoth":

    And you could upgrade the creature to be:

    * "The Ancient Behemoth":

    Don't know if those stats will help you because they worked within the game, but to give you an idea the behemoth was a really big land creature (which is kind of what you were looking for), and it had the hability to reduce a target's defense with it's attack. In 3.5 I think it could be implemented as a set penalty to the defense, or as a cummulative penalty with each attack. Add some cool resistances (some percent of spell resistance for example), and that could make it truly unstoppable.

    Hope that helps.
    Post edited by sandman on
  • Sabotender
    Posts: 5
    how about just weakening the "Terrasque": ?
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