Introductions and shameless plug

edited April 2010 in Player Lounge
Howdy folks. Just wanted to pop in and say hello. Beautiful website. Love it, love it, love it. Now I only wish my players loved it as much as I do. But you know how that goes...

Started up a d20 Call of Cthulhu campaign ( This is my first real attempt at DMing and it's turning out much more enjoyable than I had anticipated. Of course, it helps that I'm using terrific source material to work with (Masks of Nyarlathotep). I've perused the ongoing games out there and have been really impressed by some of the site designs, and (admittedly) stole a few ideas here and there.

Anyways, I'm looking forward to poking in and out all of your games in the future here. :)


  • arsheesh
    Posts: 850
    Hello Munkybutt, and welcome to the Portal! I just took a quick look at your site and I must say that it is looking mighty nice. I like the old black and white and sepia images that you chose for the characters/NPC's, and I was really taken with the newspaper clipping "Player handouts" that you made. Dido for the NPC Elias Jackson. You have done a great job within your site of conveying the feel of a 1920's-30's Lovecraftian horror. 5 stars, and I look forward to checking out your site in more detail when I can find the time.

  • sandman
    Posts: 155
    Welcome munkybut!

    Nice handouts btw.
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