Dynamic Character Sheets



  • Morrinn
    Posts: 166
    I'm keeping my fingers crossed that someone might take a shot at making a Vamp: Requiem sheet. I was considering it, but reading through this thread just made my head spin...
    By the way: That Exalted sheet looks Dope. Good job guys.
  • Micah
    Posts: 894
    Just dropping by...I wasn't getting the email updates so I didn't realize there was conversation going on here...

    Fuhsaz - Looks like you got most of your questions answered. As to quick description, description, tags, etc - No, there are no tags for those as of yet. I'm unsure of how to handle them, as the "crunch" aspect of description is pretty much exactly what the dynamic sheets are for. Then again, I'm not sure anyone paid attention to the description = crunch and bio = fluff directions anyway.

    Chainsaw - I'll look into the bug you mentioned with the existing character / new DST. Thanks for the detailed bug report.

    To everybody thinking of making a sheet: I appreciate all the feedback. I'm probably going to take a break from DST feature additions for a while, as there are some other areas of the site that need some attention. So, if it doesn't do everything you want, I'd say try to relax your requirements a little and make things simpler. In most cases, *any* custom DST is better than the default generic sheet.
  • JaredTwing
    Posts: 2
    I am working on a World of Darkness one that could easily be adjusted to be any WoD system. I need it generic as my game has a vampire, mage, promethean, changeling and werewolf in it! Geh, what was I thinking. :) Anyways, I'm down to fine tuning and a bit of the final CSS then I'll upload it.
  • Morrinn
    Posts: 166
    Is that New World of darkness or old, Jared?
  • JaredTwing
    Posts: 2
    New. The first version of it is live. I don't know if the site has New and Old divided in the systems list. If so I'm not sure which one this is attached too, heh. But it is designed for New. I will be expanding it (probably next week) to include an equipment section. Then I'm considering making system specific sheets (most likely starting with Changeling).
  • Morrinn
    Posts: 166
    Most awesome, Jared :D
  • djohnson
    Posts: 1
    I'd like to be added to the beta list. I'm a former systems developer turned high school teacher with lots of time to kill over the summer and I'm looking forward to playing with DCS's and seeing what I can do with them. It's going to be a huge change from my normal languages but it should be fun.
  • tinkeron
    Posts: 9
    Characters are looking fantastic. I can't really tell if anyone is using arrays. Are field arrays being implemented yet?
  • kenurion
    Posts: 80
    I think the new DST's break the character-rating-star system. The five stars appear on non-DST characters in the top right of the window, but are nowhere to be found on the DST's. I haven't looked all all of the DST's, just savage_patrick chainsawxiv_exalted and kenurion_adnd. I know I didn't add any html to kenurion_adnd to put the stars in, so that's not really a surprise.

  • tinkeron
    Posts: 9 edited June 2010
    I got to wondering about the missing Rating system too. I know I didn't include the character-rating in my design. That brings up the question of Rating the new sheets: Would folks be rating the character or the style sheet?

    [edit: fyi]
    I attempted to edit a character from my phone (G1) using Opera Mini. It viewed very well, but when attempting an edit with "Click to edit" I encountered odd behavior.
    The browser refreshes the page after each mouse click or enter press. So, I clicked the "Click to edit" and got an edit box. I had to click the edit box in order to start typing. I then started typing. After successfully typing in the new information I had to hit enter or click the mouse to finish typing. Next, I would normally click the OK button. However, clicking out of the edit box caused the page to refresh, not just exiting me from the edit box, but removing everything I had typed, also causing the OK button to vanish. Opera Mini needs to fix this behavior. I searched for a workaround with various clicks and fast maneuvers, but eventually lost connection to the server.
    Post edited by tinkeron on
  • Theoremancer
    Posts: 15 edited July 2010
    I'm creating a "public repository":http://code.google.com/p/op-dst/ for any DST developers who want to work collaboratively and/or in the open. Sharing ideas and techniques will help everyone improve. Anything submitted to the repository will be covered by the MIT License and CC.

    Micah, I had planned to populate this with the contents of the github repository, but I don't want to risk desynchronization. Here are my thoughts:
    * *javascripts/jquery-1.3.2.min.js* (Fetch 1.4.2 from googleapis, as OP does.)
    * *javascripts/jquery.jeditable-1.7.1.js* (Fetch from "OP":http://www.obsidianportal.com/javascripts/jquery.jeditable-1.7.1.js)
    * *javascripts/namespace.js* (Can you edit the OP-hosted characters.js so it works without this? It just needs to create the aisleten namespace if it doesn't exist.)
    * I could include the following in the new repository as an example:
    ** *index.html* (with some modifications)
    ** *dynamic_sheets/minimal4e/0.1/sheet.css*
    ** *dynamic_sheets/minimal4e/0.1/sheet.js*
    ** *example_data.js*

    Post edited by Theoremancer on
  • ChainsawXIV
    Posts: 530
    I'd definitely be willing to contribute to that, Malfunction. I'll send you a PM with my contact information.
  • Theoremancer
    Posts: 15
    ChainsawXIV, I've added you as a contributor, but I'll grant commit privileges as soon as I get a reply back from Micah and set up the initial structure.
  • ChainsawXIV
    Posts: 530
    Sounds good. I'll have to learn my way around the Google version of the thing, but it seems familiar enough to others I've used.
  • barsoomcore
    Posts: 15
    So I submitted a sheet (for DINO-PIRATES OF NINJA ISLAND) and none of the editable fields appear to exist. Have I just forgotten something really basic? As far as I can tell I've done the needful. It works on my home machine, at any rate. I don't know if anyone can look at it, or if there's some preferred method of debugging these guys. Any help would be greatly appreciated.
  • tinkeron
    Posts: 9 edited July 2010

    Taking a quick look, I see that you have
    *span class="dsf" id="ds_name"*
    for your name field. This should be easy to fix.

    Try this:
    If I remember correctly, we should remove the id's, as they might interfere with DST integration, and micah has asked us not to use id's in our templates to avoid many other complications.
    Next, change that span class to read *class="dsf dsf_name"* as the engine is looking for *dsf_the_field_name_goes_here.*

    Another example: change *dsf power_stat_value* to *dsf dsf_power_stat_value*.
    Post edited by tinkeron on
  • barsoomcore
    Posts: 15
    Yup. Not sure where I got that, but you're right, that's bad.

    Fixing it doesn't solve my problem, unfortunately, and on my home machine it actually causes the template to lose track of the example data, but well, probably good to have fixed. Thanks!

    Anyone got a notion as to why the editable fields still aren't showing?
  • barsoomcore
    Posts: 15
    Holy Jeebus. This is embarrassing.

    Anyway, I think now my code at least does as the instructions suggest. It still doesn't work, which suggests my confidence is ill-placed, but anyway, I've reviewed and reviewed and it appears to be well-formed. It doesn't display quite the way I expect it to, but the worst issue is the un-appearing editable fields.

    Thanks for all your help.
  • FrankSirmarco
    Posts: 250
    *runs in to forum thread...clears throat*

    "Call of Cthulhu Dynamic Character Sheet, please!"

    *runs out*
  • barsoomcore
    Posts: 15
    Well, interesting. I've tested another sheet (kenurion's AD&D 2nd ed sheet) and it only partially works for me. I cannot edit fields in either of the first two boxes (the one starting with Character Name and the one starting with Bio), but everything else seems to work okay. I can't see the difference, there, and still none of my fields show up at all.

    Anyone got any thoughts?
  • barsoomcore
    Posts: 15
    Crap, I'm a dummy. Just realised those particular fields aren't supposed to be editable. Not putting on a very good show here. Well, I'll keep poking at this but anyway, if anyone has a theory, I'd love to hear it.
  • Curufea
    Posts: 161 edited August 2010
    I'm new to svn and repositories for collaborative code work, but would like to share/store the DWAITAS sheet i'm working on. Although I understand there is some kind of client involved for tracking versioning> I'm well acquainted with the languages - not so much jquery.
    Post edited by Curufea on
  • barsoomcore
    Posts: 15
    Still hoping someone can help me out here. Anyone?
  • Curufea
    Posts: 161
    I don't have a problem with your sheet on my PC here, barsoomcore. I can edit all the fields. Although I have noticed if I have bad syntax in the example data javascript - it will cause problems on the page with jquery.
  • barsoomcore
    Posts: 15
    You mean if you download the code and try running it locally on your machine? Yeah, it works fine for me running locally on my machine, as well. It's the version hosted by OP that doesn't display any editable fields. I don't think anybody else can even see it, but I'm hoping one of the site admins can look at my code and tell me that I'm missing something (else) obvious that would cause this.
  • Curufea
    Posts: 161
    Ah - dang.

    But that does make me think of conflicts - this came up recently when I was trying to update a module for Drupal actually - two things with the same name. I'm thinking there may be javascript additions beyond the jquery included in the devkit that are interfering. Do other sheets have variable names with hyphens? Or do they all use underscores?
  • barsoomcore
    Posts: 15
    Yup, the Savage Patrick sheet ("Approved" for Savage Worlds) uses both hyphens and underscores in class names. But just in case, I've removed all hyphens. And still de nada.
  • Curufea
    Posts: 161 edited September 2010
    xhtml compliant? No open tags or anything? Could be stricter on the site. Hmm, let me try parsing it through oxygen.
    Looks alright.

    Hmm, you haven't got all the mandatory fields though, missing template author - dsf_dst_author

    There's another thought - can you use class for dd elements to create inputs or can it only be for div and span?
    Post edited by Curufea on
  • ChainsawXIV
    Posts: 530
    Is it possible you're working with an old version of the dev kit? The method of tagging fields changed somewhat a few weeks into testing, so that may be your problem. Search back through this thread for more.

    On a much more basic note, fields aren't editable except when you are editing the character. I doubt it, but is is possible you're looking at the view mode, and just need to click the edit button?
  • barsoomcore
    Posts: 15
    Thanks for the thoughts.

    Curufea: see, questions like "must all fields be divs and spans?" is the sort of thing I'd like an answer to, rather than having to blindly struggle with trial and error.

    Chainsaw: good thought, but no.
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