Whats your favorite magic item?

edited May 2010 in General Discussion
I'm split between Ioun Stones & The Deck of Many Things, guess as a DM the Deck was great, as a PC I've got to go with Ioun Stones. (though Figurines of wondrous power were always up there!)


  • Poutine_Paladin
    Posts: 285
    When I saw the topic, my first thought was "probably ioun stones." Then I clicked on the discussion, and that's the first thing there, so I'll change my answer to bag of holding (cliche, I know, but you have to admit that they're pretty awesome) or any portable magical shelter (is that a tower in your pocket or are you just happy to see me?)
  • FemmeLegion
    Posts: 521
    Second the magical shelter vote. My favorite low-level items in 4th edition D&D are the everlasting rations and the instant campsite.

    Now, if you're asking which item I'd like in real life, I'd have to vote for the 3.5 version of the Handy Haversack. The whole notion of "the item you want will always be on top"? Yes, I would find that more useful even than something like a ring of invisibility!
  • super_rats
    Posts: 24
    Aparatus of Kwalish since it kind of makes me laugh and the Deck of Many Things seemed so cool in high school.

    Otherwise, nothing really makes me spin with glee.
  • gaaran
    Posts: 740
    Bag of Tricks man! That douche at work who thinks he's cooler than you, comes up to make fun of you? You reach in your bag and pull out a nerf ball. Guy makes a crack, but you just smile and toss him the ball.... BAM! Dire Tiger lands on his junk!
  • jemmasmum
    Posts: 33
    I do have to say that the 3.5 ever burning torch seems to be a very under rated item lol
  • munkybut
    Posts: 16
    There is an item I had in 2nd addition that would create a tree. I think it was like Quall's Oak token or something like that. I want to say we ended up sinking a boat by suddenly spawning a redwood onto it. I like the useless unless creatively used items myself. :)

    I've never used them, but I would have loved to have had 2 immovable rods.
  • VegasDM
    Posts: 14
    bag of holding
  • Poutine_Paladin
    Posts: 285
    Okay, as far as ones we'd like to have in real life, I still think a stone orbiting my head that makes me not have to eat or drink to survive, or makes me ridiculously dexterous or strong, would still be pretty cool. If I was a douchy asshole, I'd probably like a ring of invisibility, but any use for that in real life would make you a horrible, horrible person...at least any uses I can think of. I've always thought flight would be pretty awesome, though.

    Side thread: Think of reasons to have a ring of invisibility in real life...that wouldn't make one a douchy asshole...I still can't think of any
  • JimTriche
    Posts: 483
    Main Thread: A portable hole or large bag of holding easy. Clean up the clutter in the house in a snap, save $80 a month on a storage unit, ultimate games of hide and seek, etc.

    Poutine's Side Thread: Avoiding door to door religion and salesmen. Just slide the ring on and open the door, and just poke them in the chest a couple times. I guess it's POV whether it's douchy or not. I personally don't think so.
  • Poutine_Paladin
    Posts: 285
    Only a little douchy, as you could simply not open the door instead...I guess "jerk-esque" would be a close descriptor.
  • vstraydogstrutv
    Posts: 209
    "Ring Gates":http://www.obsidianportal.com/campaigns/the-serpent-kingdoms/items/ring-gates are pretty sweet. Bag of holding is definitely up there when it comes to functionality. DoMT is awesome for randomness. And then there's the "Pipe of Return":http://www.obsidianportal.com/campaigns/the-serpent-kingdoms/items/returning-pipe because I like smoking pipes. I'm also 100 years old and enjoy scotch on the rocks.
  • jemmasmum
    Posts: 33
    @ Poutine Paladin

    lol I would find a ring of invisibility ... rather amusing lol. but what if you just wanted to avoid you mother in law... or bullies? doesnt make you a bad person... :)
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