Hey, everybody!

edited May 2010 in Player Lounge
Hi! Barry here, DM of "Shadows of the Dragon God":http://obsidianportal.com/campaigns/shadowsofthedragongod

My full profile is up here ("http://www.obsidianportal.com/profile/vlarg":http://www.obsidianportal.com/profile/vlarg), but here's the basics:

I've been playing various role-playing games since the 6th grade and the old Red Box. I started as a player but quickly found my niche in running games and creating worlds. I hadn't run an old-school D&D game in a long time, and decided to borrow some 4E books from my friends and get to work. I must admit I was inspiried by the webcomic Order of the Stick, which is laugh-out-loud piss-your-pants funny to nerds like me. Obsidian Portal totally helps me keep track of the game. I'd be kinda lost in my own game without it.

I'm also the webmaster/producer of The Ugly Couch Show ("http://uglycouchshow.com":http://uglycouchshow.com). We review TV, movies, video games, table top games, comics, and all things geek, old and new. The video shows come out every two weeks, and we also do a weekly CouchCast covering the week in geek, as well as a blog and geek events calendar. It's pretty awesome. We also have puppets.

So, yeah, check the campaign out, tell me what you think.


  • arsheesh
    Posts: 850
    Welcome to the Portal Vlarg, your in good company here. I'm busy at the moment but I'll be sure to check out your campaign when I can carve out some free time.

  • munkybut
    Posts: 16
    Nice page Vlarg. Sounds like a promising campaign.
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