The Complete Book of...

edited May 2010 in General Discussion
Thanks to Chainsaw and Gnunn (and their marvelous tutorials) I have started to turn my campaign wiki into something that is less of a mass of indistinguishable links and text and a little more recognizable. Currently, I'm working on pages modeled after the Complete Book of X series from AD&D 2e. If there are any ideas anyone has on how to improve the layout here, please let me know! Many thanks!

EDIT: cannot remember code to make links on this forum!


  • JimTriche
    Posts: 483
    "The Complete Book of Elves":

    It looks a lot like the book covers! I have about 40 of those. You gonna do the Blue and Green and Purple covers too?

    I can see Blue for equipment and weapons and buildings and whatnot and Green for your campaign historical notes.
  • JimTriche
    Posts: 483
  • arsheesh
    Posts: 850
    Wow Idabrius. This might just be the single most ambitious project that I have heretofore seen anyone at the portal take on! I like those covers as well (I'm guessing you did those in Photoshop?). I am buried in papers for school right now, but just as school is out (end of May) I intend to dive into these.

  • Idabrius
    Posts: 52
    Aye, those are photoshop-made. I'm thinking of adding class books, but I haven't really looked beyond that. I really should be writing three papers and finishing my comps list right now, but for some reason it is always easier to write of things that never were than to do research and make footnotes.

    Thanks for the compliments, by the by!
  • ChainsawXIV
    Posts: 530
    Cool project! I might suggest gathering the links on your main wiki page up into tables or some such (they make a rather long single column, and would be easier to read grouped up in columns), but on the whole that's looking very nice. Well done!
  • Idabrius
    Posts: 52
    Also, I was thinking of reserving green for regional sourcebooks, since I don't have the art assets to put together a good Realmsian region cover. Blue I might use for rules notes such as equipment expansion and anything else I can think of (modeling off of the Equipment and Sages and Specialists). I'm actually toying with converting my entire wiki into a series of "campaign books," but that would be a massive undertaking, so I'm still considering it.
  • JimTriche
    Posts: 483
    It would be, but those campaigns that are all in a unified theme tend to be the most fun to peruse IMHO.
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