Thought I would try OP out for campaign management

edited May 2010 in Player Lounge
Well, for years i've been posting a set of web pages reflecting characters and campaign logs. Its a big risk to put it all on someone elses platform. I heard about OP through PnPG ( player cross pollination and thought i would give this a try. In some ways its easier, but the lack of certain controls also makes it harder. I do like the ability to hook player involvement into it, through wiki like functionality. It definitely more dynamic than a set of flat web pages. Its easier for me to maintain as well, from a pure content perspective. I'm liking it a lot. I'm definitely contemplating the paid services once i get things rolling and my players register and get involved. Got one already... I hope i can get the rest... if you have advice on how to get players to collaborate using the site, please send it to me!

About me: I've created and developed my own game system for years at Currently going through major revisions for a version 3.0. We have a few groups using it, and i'm starting to make all the materials i built available for free, removing "subscription" locks on them (its slow to make them presentable though). I'm an IT professional (shocking!) running a web development team building collaborative based solutions. I've played every game system under the sun up until DnD 3 came out. Right before that, i built my own first derivative system and quit playing most others (a little DnD, WOD, WHRG and dabbling in others here in there), focusing on my own since then. It broke the D20 mold long ago and i never looked back. I took all my friends with me (3 game groups) and also have 3 play test groups. Two of the play test groups still use it. Small audience, lots of fun.


  • arsheesh
    Posts: 850 edited May 2010
    Welcome to the Portal Templeorder! Wow, it does sound as if this will be a big change for you and your Incarna network. I think that you will find the advantages of the wiki system, not to mention the support of the Portal community, to outweigh any potential disadvantages.

    As for your question regarding how to motivate your players to become involved in the site, there is a good discussion of this topic in "this thread": However, let me just briefly throw in my own two sense. I borrowed the idea of a point based awards system from another member (Onsilius) of this community. Essentially the idea is that by participating in activities such as: uploading their character to the Portal and writing a background for that character, keeping a character journal, and/or contributing artwork or other campaign related content, the players are awarded, what I like to call, "prestige points": Prestige points can be used in one of two ways. They can be used during the course of a game session to gain short-term advantages in combat or skills-tests. "Using" such points in this way is not permanent, the points refresh the next session. The players may also "Burn" points in-game to do truly heroic feats, or to gain more long-term advantages. Burning points in this way is permanent. I have found that using this prestige points awards system has really helped motivate my players to get more involved.

    Well, I hope that helps, and I wish you the best in building your Incarna site.

    Post edited by arsheesh on
  • JimTriche
    Posts: 483
    From what I can see, what you get out of OP is directly related what you put into it. I use it to allow my players to learn about new hooks and plot points, to tell news of the rest of the world, and to put tidbits of interesting information about various people, places and things in the world. One of the better ways to get the players involved is to offer benefits for the use of the wiki's features. I award Karma for edits that contribute to the campaign environment, or new pages, or for finding hidden clues. I just went to Ascendant Membership yesterday in fact.

    I think with your web development background you can completely make your campaign wiki amazing. I am an idiot with HTML and Textile both, but with the help from this awesome community I think I've "made a decent Wiki": myself.

    I might also suggest contacting the Obsidian Portal team with details on your system, they showcase free systems on Fridays.

    Welcome to Obsidian Portal! I hope you find it as rewarding as I have!
  • Hardhead
    Posts: 65
    In a campaign I ran a while back (3rd Edition, before 3.5) I had "extra credit" similar to to arsheesh's "Prestige Points." Basically, if you did "extra credit" (wrote a journal entry for your character, drew a picture, etc) you got a 10% XP bump for the adventure that preceeded it.

    I just recently started up a new campaign in 4th Edition, and last night I pitched the idea of bringing back Extra Credit. But since in 4E you're supposed to keep everyone the same level (which I agree with, that was actually a pain in 3E), I proposed tying Extra Credit to magic item "wish lists." Every time my players earn five Extra Credit Points, a magic item they want and is level-appropriate will get found during an adventure. They all seemed to really dig the idea, and I know a couple are working on getting character backgrounds to me now, though it's too early to say if this'll turn into something sustainable yet.
  • munkybut
    Posts: 16
    Welcome welcome!

    Get them interested the same way you would a dog. Lots and lots of treats. If that doesn't work...threaten them and their characters.
  • sandman
    Posts: 155
    bq). If that doesn
  • templeorder
    Posts: 18
    Well, i got three out of 8 players within one week using it at least to manage their character... and one person is out of town, so i kinda hit 50%! Not bad, theres a gripe from one member is uses similar tools for the Camarilla/WoD and he thinks they are better there (gosh, tailored to that system i bet too - duh). I'm loving it. I'm putting in old campaign log notes and i find (and put in a suggestion) to add standard web paging for the campaign log at top and bottom - first | forward | back | last = these should be links. Each time i add an entry, it drops me on the first page, not where my entry would appear (i'm starting with the latest first). Anyway, minor touches which could be improved... so far i am enjoying it. I must be, more maps and subscription are next.
  • arsheesh
    Posts: 850
    Nice. Getting players to actually use your OP site is an accomplishment in and of its self. Glad to here that things are going well for you in that regard. By the way, if I understand you correctly, you want to add more browsing features to your page to make site navigation easier. I have two recommendations for you in this regard. The first is to check out Grunn's "wiki navigation box": tutorial which walks you through how to create an interactive site index. The second would be to check out my "Site Navigation Buttons": page in which I have made some custom free-to-use site navigation icons and show how to use textile to turn these into links. Anyway, hope that helps.

  • templeorder
    Posts: 18
    Yea, i'm not too worried about the wiki part - its the actual navigation of the adventure log. World notes i will continue to keep on my own web server, and i can program navigation there as i need it... the campaign log has all the notes from what happened and i am looking to find a better, easier way to flip through it when you can have 100 pages of materials. The support team took the suggestions, its just low priority right now.

    I'm very happy with the adoption rate of my players. I hope to demo more things today (like maps) when i have my first game session in a couple weeks today - maybe seeing it will convince the rest!
  • arsheesh
    Posts: 850
    Oh, sorry I must have misunderstood. I have found that one thing that has made navigation through the adventure logs more manageable is to give a brief synopsis of each adventure, and then creating a link below the synopsis to a longer version of the adventure log entry. I found the following bit of code helpful in this regard:

    Hope that helps.

  • JimTriche
    Posts: 483
    I actually just touch on the basics on my Log. The general gist of the events, but if my players ask for more details I may begin adding more.
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