Share the best elements of your campaign

edited May 2010 in General Discussion
I enjoy world-building. I also enjoy having well fleshed out NPC's, locations and Villains. However due to the business of life, I don't always have the time to work on all of these campaign elements as much as I'd like. It occurred to me that there are probably many others here at the Portal in the same predicament. Perhaps all of us have fleshed out a few elements of our campaign really well, but have other elements that we haven't gotten to yet.

So where am I going with all of this? Well my idea is just this. Why not collaborate with each other to help fill out those aspect of our campaigns that we just haven't gotten to yet? We are all in need of new and interesting NPC's, villains, locales now then as our players venture out into the unexplored parts of our world. Wouldn't it be nice to have some well thought out, ready-made campaign elements at hand to throw into the game at a moments notice? Do you have some NPC or Villain that you are particularly proud of? Or perhaps a village that you created to launch your campaign? Why not share your creation with the OP community. In turn you might find some interesting elements in someone else's campaign that you want to use for your own. This thread could be used as a campaign resource wherein those participating would post one or two of what they consider to be the best elements of their campaign.

So here's how I propose that this project be carried out:

* _First:_ While I hope that people will submit their best work, please try to avoid spamming. Keep your entries brief. Perhaps give a couple of sentences, or up to a paragraph of explanation related to the NPC, Villain, Tavern, Village or what have you that succinctly describes that element.
* _Second:_ Post a link to the page where others can read more about that element if they so choose.
* _Third:_ If you use some one else's material, you should leave them a comment here or at their site, or perhaps send them a private message letting them know about it. We all appreciate being recognized for our work

Also, it should go without saying that if you submit material that you have created to this thread, you are thereby implicitly giving others permission to use your work in their own campaigns. That said, I have some ideas I feel are worth sharing, but before I do so, I want to know if there is actually any interest in this project? So, what do you all think about this proposal?


  • JimTriche
    Posts: 483
    I think that this, as is any type of collaborations or cooperation between gamers, is certainly noble and worthwhile.

    That being said, I dunno what I can contribute. Much of the game world I use is prepublished, or variations thereof. However I fully support anyone taking anything they need or want from my campaign. Especially Shadowrun campaigns, I'd love to see NPCs or locations making appearances in other people's campaigns. Especially those that are set a few years later, it might even help me describe how things change over time.

    I've actually already left notes on a few people's comment pages saying just this, but it of course applies to everybody.
  • gaaran
    Posts: 740
    This is a great idea arsheesh. I will be posting a few of my favorite campaign elements later tonight (as I am at work on my phone, looking up link and such is a pain) but I wanted to express my interest in this idea in the hopes that people will participate. More to follow soon.
  • gaaran
    Posts: 740
    Okay, well, I guess I'll get the ball rolling.

    I had some help with a few of the ideas for these, but most of these I wrote myself (acknowledgments on the page, with the prestige points being written by arsheesh).

    "The Old Gods":
    If you're looking for a different pantheon, or an idea of how to setup your own, I have my own setup of 16 deities that I've used in the past (The holy symbols are from some old school Forgotten Realms stuff, I think).

    "Pre-made countries":
    This is a work in progress, but some of the countries are done (Algur, Barithani, Cormand, and Arria so far) with cities, a few landmarks, and a very small bit of culture information. If you need a ready made country to throw into your game, these could work.

    "My World Map":
    Last but certainly not least, my world map. All I ask, if anyone uses it is that they clearly identify that I created it, and link back to my page, as I invested more time and work into it than any one other thing. Also, I can provide a much larger version so that you can actually read everything on it. If someone wants just a cutout of one of the countries to go along with one of the entries, I can provide that too.
  • arsheesh
    Posts: 850
    Sweet! I wish I had time to peruse these links right now (I'm working on quantified logic homework right now and it's giving me a headache). You can be assured that I'll be checking out those pre-made countries soon though. Thanks for contributing Gaaran.

  • gaaran
    Posts: 740
    Of course, that's what i'm liking the best about this site, is being able to look at other DMs work. This is a great way to group all that information.
  • arsheesh
    Posts: 850 edited May 2010
    h3. Submission

    Alright, just wanted to share a couple campaigns elements of my own:

    * *City:* "Glindell": is a small gnomish city tucked away in midst of vast northern forest rife with adventure. Glindell is impossibly wealthy for so small and remote a city, yet it's political regimes change about as regularly as fashions in clothing. The Gnomes of this city are incredibly proficient in all areas of craft and learning, and specialize in all sorts of technical and enchanted eccentricities. In fact there is a saying in the Northern lands, "If you can't find what you are looking for in Glindell, then what you are looking for can't be found."

    p. * *Business:* In the market for some new adventuring gear? "The Outbacker": is your local source for all your adventuring needs. Currently unemployed and looking to pick up some bounties? We got'cha covered, just pay a visit to our employment message board.
    Post edited by arsheesh on
  • Idabrius
    Posts: 52
    I don't have time to comb through my setting and pick bits out that I like at the moment (my weekly session is about to begin), but I welcome anyone to borrow anything; though I'd be truly thrilled if anyone wanted to use the setting wholesale :P

    If for some reason you DO want to use the 10th Age as a setting, and there isn't information on something you need, let me know and I'll focus on that! My players are pretty ambivalent about what gets fleshed out next.
  • gaaran
    Posts: 740
    I might use that shop arsheesh, great little fleshed out place you've got there :)
  • arsheesh
    Posts: 850
    Gaaran, Cool! Please do.

    Idabrius, if I were bran new to the Portal and hadn't already invested so much in my own campaign world, I might have taken you up on this offer.
  • Idabrius
    Posts: 52
    Thanks, Arsh! Anyway, I have been working on the Orvean Academy for a player; it is essentially one of the only two institutionalized wizard's organizations in the setting (not counting the Lorehouses of Oron
  • Hardhead
    Posts: 65
    Idabrius, it says I'm not authorized to view that page. :(
  • Idabrius
    Posts: 52
    Huh! Must of accidentally hit the GM only checkbox last time I was editing. Should be good to go now.
  • arsheesh
    Posts: 850
    Ya know Idabrius, I've had a university in mind for one of my northern civilizations for quite some time, but have never gotten around to fleshing it out. You're entry on the Orvean Academy is quite well thought out. While I'd have to make revisions, cutting out the setting-specific elements of your campaign and replacing them with my own, I think I might take you up on this idea sometime this summer when I have time to work on my Age of Legends campaign again. Thanks for contributing.
  • arsheesh
    Posts: 850 edited May 2010
    h3. Submission

    Ok, so here are an Inn and it's proprietress that I am particularly fond of and would like to make available to everyone:

    * *Inn:* If you are seeking companionship for the night, or simply need a place with private booths to meet that secretive contact of yours at, then you ought to pay a visit to "The Falcon's Nest": Whether rich or poor, popper or prince, many clientele frequent this Inn of ill-repute, which has become nearly as notorious as it's mysterious proprietress.

    p. * *NPC:* There are few individuals within the city as notorious and as elegant as the "Lady Illendra": A former member of the nobility, Illendra was cast out of high society for reasons which remain the subject of intense rumor and speculation. Notwithstanding this, Illendra has emerged as one of the most prominent business owners of the city. She is a woman veiled in mystery, yet her presence and influence within the city are undeniable.

    As one might expect, there are campaign specific details written into the background of these entries, but feel free to replace these with your own campaign specific details.
    Post edited by arsheesh on
  • gaaran
    Posts: 740
    I've started a list of legendary items that have been seen throughout my campaigns, and thought I'd share them. They are (so far):

    Virtue and the Void, Invincible, Death's Fang, and the Rod of Armageddon.

    "Click here": for the page.
  • JimTriche
    Posts: 483
    A pretty big work in progress, but I'm trying to write Psionics rules for Shadowrun 2nd Edition.

    I like how it's coming so far.

  • gaaran
    Posts: 740
    Okay, I think they are complete and in playable form. Here is my achievement system for my game.

  • JimTriche
    Posts: 483
    Gaaran, I erased the background on that Achievement image if you want to use it: "AchievementUnlocked":
  • gaaran
    Posts: 740
    haha, thanks jim, yeah, i've just been lazy and haven't felt like turning all my graphics into .pngs since I have the new background for the pages. Thanks though Jim, that saves me one that I don't have to do.
  • JimTriche
    Posts: 483
    Haha, yeah I had Gimp open already. My Co-GM is mad at me for putting a bad pic of him up on the Psionics thing so I'm looking for something else to use.
  • gaaran
    Posts: 740
    haha, that is a pretty epic pic :P
  • JimTriche
    Posts: 483 edited May 2010
    I thought so, Flare and Gradient For The Win!

    (Just to spite him I linked the page on Facebook and chose it as the thumbnail)
    Post edited by JimTriche on
  • FemmeLegion
    Posts: 521
    If this concept works, I will be tremendously proud of it. So I simultaneously want to share it for inspiration and submit it for critique. It's inspired by a weird dream I had back when I was having all sorts of weird dreams:

    "The Song of Corellon": - the Feywild is a series of "bubble worlds" contiguous to Vidria, and they were created by Corellon's singing. Where Vidria is tangent to a bubble of Feywild, you can sometimes hear music. If you can hear the music, singing it back can allow you to shift from one plane to the other.
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