FACEPALM!: Learning from your mistakes



  • JimTriche
    Posts: 483
    I show up when I can. I would be on the forums constantly, but my crappy phone doesn't do Javascript so I can't actually log in.
  • Silence_Eve
    Posts: 106
    I wish I had a phone that could connect to the internet...but I tried it once and it never let me do it again...>_>
  • Embirsiphone
    Posts: 385
    I use the internet all the time.. so I can be on here whenever it's fun :D
  • Duskreign
    Posts: 1,085
    Gad-freaking-zooks, Arsh. How did I miss Shrizyne all this time? I blame the weather. And this crippling insanity.
  • arsheesh
    Posts: 850
    Hey thanks guys, or rather, I'm sure my players will be happy to know that others find their characters interesting. Actually, thanks for the formatting goes to Chainsaw. One of my players found and then heavily modified a character sheet in his handy-dandy "Helps and TIPs FAQ":http://forums.obsidianportal.com/comments.php?DiscussionID=1114&page=1#Item_26. From there, he and I tweeked things a bit to try and come up with a layout that worked well with the theme of our campaign.

  • RaseCidraen
    Posts: 890
    I actually made a chart of my D&D activity Before, and After I started working: The disparity is alarming. I went from a session a day (approximately), to roughly a session every 2 weeks. It's one of the suckiest things I've had to deal with in ever. I had to delete the chart. Now I just need to be bothered to update the wiki even more (Which is hard, because I have little direction).

    Every time I look at Dusk's page, or Arsheesh's, or Silence's character, a million voices cry out at once, and then silence. I wish I could develop that much intricacy, but with no direction, it's hard to even attempt. Most of everything I've been doing is make-work.
  • Duskreign
    Posts: 1,085
    My page is akin to the destruction of Alderaan? Thanks?

    Rase, I used to play nightly as well. Now, I run two games a week, but it's still not enough for me. I would play every night if I could.

    And as much as there is on my site, twice as much is floating around in my head, waiting for me to find the time and skill to get it all up on the site.
  • RaseCidraen
    Posts: 890
    I need to think before I write things: It's more a comparison - your pages are like the Death Star to my Alderaan. *Note to self: Am not a Dabus. Mental pictures must needs be explained. People cannot see inside head.*

    If you need assistance, let me know. Especially if it'll help prevent a headsplosion from too much stored information.
  • Duskreign
    Posts: 1,085
    I can see inside your head, Rase. It's all... sticky and meaty in there.

    If I could devise some sort of a data-transference apparatus to beam my overload of D&Data to you, that would be a great help. Alas, there's only so much help I can ask until that glorious day.
  • arsheesh
    Posts: 850
    I don't know about "make-work" Rase, although I haven't been through your site thoroughly yet I've very much enjoyed what I have seen of it so far. Also, I've had nearly a year to work on my two sites and I imagine Dusck's had longer than that. If you had stopped by either of my two sites in their earlier stages you would have found them far far less intricate. Just let your site develop naturally along with your campaign and in time I'm sure it will take on a complex life of its own.

    But I can totally empathize with what you are saying about D&D activity Rase. While my Tales of Darkmoon Vale campaign still meets regularly, my Age of Legends campaign has gone from meeting about once every other week, to once a month, and now to once every 2 to 3 months. Hence, I've kind of kind of become lax about updating it.

  • Duskreign
    Posts: 1,085
    The real shame there is, Age of Legends is my favorite of the two. :(
  • arsheesh
    Posts: 850
    Looks like I was a bit late in posting my previous comments. One other thing I would mention is that while I'm all for exploring, appreciating and borrowing from other people's sites, I would advise against comparing one's own site to others too much. There are at least two pitfalls of doing so. On the one hand, such comparisons can lead to a sense of discouragement and/or envy if you think your own site just doesn't add up to other sites. On the other hand, if you such comparisons lead you to believe that your site is superior to others, if you aren't careful this can also lead to an ugly, inflated sense of pride and condescension. Neither of these are attractive options.

    I'm just as human as the next person and I've felt the pull of both of these vices. As a result, my personal philosophy is to apply myself to whatever I do and to judge the success of my work by my own standards. If I have worked hard and achieved something that I find to be of decent quality, then I am satisfied. Perhaps others are capable of doing better, and perhaps not, but why should that matter to me? I've done my best and I'm satisfied with that. If I based my opinion of work on what other people do or think, I would never be satisfied. For in such a case, even if you think that your work is better than others, or that others are impressed by it, there's always the unease of becoming obsolete. In a nutshell, comparison is slow death. Don't do it!
  • arsheesh
    Posts: 850
    Oh, and thanks Dusk. It's my favorite of the two as well.
  • RaseCidraen
    Posts: 890
    I completely understand! For me, it's more of a driving force to improve! I just am lacking direction. I see everything as having merit, more than anything else. The only bad idea is the one left untried at the end of time. (If it were a good idea, someone, somewhere, would have done it)

    I definately don't subscribe to the "ha ha! my site is teh pwnzors" mentality - I just see the work everyone else has done, and say "Wow, that's amazing! Time to get to work! *Inspiration!*" It's just a question of direction, I suppose. Where/how to apply the inspiration gained from the works of others is probably the most interesting question I've had for a while.
  • Duskreign
    Posts: 1,085
    Rase, your earlier offer to help me is mirrored back atcha! If you need any help with your site, I'm here, man.
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