Scheduling Issues?

edited May 2010 in Campaign Portal Building
I'm assuming you guys have the same kinds of problems I have with scheduling. You have 7 people all trying to coordinate when to meet via email, voicemail, facebook, text. Schedules change, people forget who can do what when. Well, I have recently come across "Doodle": , this site lets you create a calendar and then it gives you two links. You give out one link to anyone who would be attending and one for administrative and deleting. When someone goes there they get a place to write their name and just say yes or no for each proposed time. I have recently put this to use on "my own game": and I have had decent results thus far.

The best part of Doodle is that you don't have to sign up for anything! Just click schedule event and get to planning!


  • gnunn
    Posts: 423
    That looks pretty cool and I definitely feel you about scheduling issues. For play night decisions I think Doodle would be very effective. Unfortunately, my group also has a dinner element to each game night and rotating play locations, so there are usually three questions... Who will be there? Whose house are we playing at? and What are we eating?

    We occasionally generate massive email chains from just these three questions. I went and invited my whole group to Google Wave in an effort to consolidate things into a single document, but I have one player who never logs onto her computer and relies almost exclusively on her iPhone for email purposes. Unfortunately, Wave does not play well with iPhones, especially earlier generation models.

    I wonder if doodle is more compatible?
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