New and Looking

edited May 2010 in Player Lounge
Hello everybody...

I am new to OP, and have had a number of years RPG'n at tables, but never at an online site. I'm ready and willing to try this out. I am in the US Army, and am currently stationed in Germany until September. I haven't Gamed in about 3-4 years, and want to get back into it. What I have played, and have supportive books for: AD&D, D&D 3E, D&D 3.5, Eberron, Palladium Fantasy, Rifts, Twilight (not the movie), Iron Kingdom, Serenity, and Iron Heroes. If anyone is running a game within the worlds I have listed, Please feel free to contact, or leave a post here. I'd like a PBP type game, since I'll be in Germany, and then all over the states. I would really love to get back into, and start playing again. I feel that this site may be my best avenue for that.

Thanks for your time.


  • sandman
    Posts: 155
    Welcome to obsidian portal Derek Weaver!
  • arsheesh
    Posts: 850
    Hi Derek, I don't live in your neck of the woods but I just wanted to join Sandman in welcoming you to the Portal. By the way, if you want to find out which campaigns in your area might be looking for new players, check out the "Maps" tab on the OP site menu and select the box that says "Looking for Players". That should bring up a list of campaigns in your area.

  • Blauer
    Posts: 3
    Thanks sandman, and Arsheesh. I just edited my post to see if anyone was doing a PBP type game on the site itself. Since I'm stationed in Germany, and will be returning to the states in September. It doesn't matter to much what system I play, and if I don't have the supporting books it's no big deal to buy what I need.

    Thanks again,
  • JohnStout
    Posts: 1

    Just joined. Looking for people who Play T & T!

  • kenurion
    Posts: 80
    Hi Blauer, I'm running an AD&D 2nd edition PBP campaign on OP. I have 4 players and am looking for a few more. Take a look and let me know if you're interested.

  • Blauer
    Posts: 3
    @ Kenurion

    Sounds good to me, let me finish reading over what you have posted so far, and I'll send you a message.

  • GuyHoyle
    Posts: 9
    My name is Guy Hoyle, and I live in Dallas, TX. I'm evaluating the possibilities of OP for a Risus campaign I hope to run someday. This looks like a very intriguing place, and I look forward to investigating it.

  • arsheesh
    Posts: 850
    Hello GuyHoyle,

    I've seen several people who have used the OP as a place to build campaigns that they hope to run in the future, so you'd be in good company. Speaking for myself, I've benefited tremendously from the wiki tools. Also, there's a pretty friendly core group of people that regularly contribute to the forums as well, so this is a great place to get to know other people with interests similar to your own, and to trade gaming tips and advice. If you have any questions about the OP or need any formatting help, feel free to post a "Need Help" thread here and you'll receive good feedback. Hope you decide to take the plunge.

  • bevinflannery
    Posts: 114
    GuyHoyle --

    Risus just recently became available as a system option when creating campaigns. OP member fuhsaz is also working on (may have made available?) a Dynamic Character Sheet for Risus as well -- so you're joining at the right time!
  • GuyHoyle
    Posts: 9
    Fuhsaz made an announcement on the RisusTalk list, which is what drew me here in the first place. I've already used his template and made some suggestions about it. It's way cool!

  • munkybut
    Posts: 16
    Welcome, welcome! Always good to see new people!
  • deaconabyss
    Posts: 1
    Hello OP good to be here. I have been playing RPG's since 1980. You name it, I probally atleast thumbed thru it. Current intrests include Pathfinder, BESM, E6 and classic Traveller. Though not limited by those. I was a long time HERO SYSTEM fan and still am. I use VTT's for gaming and am looking to find others. If you have an ongoing game I can join, let me know the VTT your using and invite me.
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