Beta Testers Wanted

edited June 2010 in General Discussion
So I've been working on a new d20 game system involving many mechanics similar to D&D but with many tweaks and a few entirely new additions.
Thanks to Obsidian Portal I've been able to write my "players handbook" as a Wiki, and while the project isnt nearly finished, I was wondering who might be interested in playing it once it is complete.
Heres the Link: Note that the title of the game is tentative.

You see, the problem is, I am a DM without a gaming group right now. So in place of playing D&D, I've been rewriting it. Because I wont be able to test the game on my own, I was hoping other DMs out there would be willing to introduce my game system to their players and have a go at an adventure or two, just to see how things work out.
Without being able to test the game as a whole, I cant be sure what mechanics are out of balance so this is where you come in OP community. =)

Currently the game is unfinished, so I wont be surprised if I dont get to many responses. Really I am looking to see how many people out there are interested in trying out a new game. If there are some takers then I'll make another more official announcement when the game system is ready for a full beta test.

This project is very much a mashing together of Pathfinder and D&D4.0 with a few twists of my own. Most notably, a card based mechanic. Theres a lot more going on, including a massive overhall to the classes, but I wont mention to much more until Im closer to being finished. For more info, you can check the updates on the homepage of my Wiki.
There should also be more then enough info in the wiki itself as of now to give you a good idea of the direction this game is going in.
Here is a short list of the chapters I have, and a rough estimate of how complete they are.
Chap 1. Getting started 65%
Chap 2. Races 0%
Chap 3. Background 95%
Chap 4. Classes 40%
Chap 5. Skills 95%
Chap 6. Feats 5%
Chap 7. Cards 40%
Chap 8. Equipment 10%
Chap 9. Combat 95%
Chap 10. Massive Combat0%
Chap 11. Roleplay 0%

If your at all interested in testing out this game once it is ready, please post a reply here.
Also, if you have any comments or general impute I am more than happy to here your constructive criticism. =)



  • JimTriche
    Posts: 483
    Yeah, occasionally we don't have our entire group together and sometimes we just get sick of the same old thing, so I can do it. Is it going to be scalable? Like, would I be able to stat ray guns into it? Another thread on here gave me the idea of doing a version of The High Crusade.

    And if not, that's OK, they can be faked easily enough.
  • DiceMasterNick
    Posts: 56
    Ray Guns? Well I dont see why not.
    I do have more of a "fantasy" mind set when designing this game, however I do my best to make the rules as intuitive as possible. Id like the game to be less restricting and provide more of a platform for imagination, so rules should be left to open interpretation and modification.
    I havnt written much of the equipment section yet, but Im sure you could just modify some rules on ranged weapons and incorporate guns as easily as you could in the standard D&D game.

    That said, the part that will most likely hold you back from "scaling" to a si-fi game, will be the races and classes - which i think you will find to be very "myth and magic" oriented.

    ...maybe I should think about opening up the game to different genres. Thanks for your impute Jim =D
  • JimTriche
    Posts: 483
    Ahh, see it was actually an idea I've wanted to do for a while. Was gonna do it in D&D and maybe some Gamma World crap.

    The book "The High Crusade" by Poul Anderson is about a group of Crusade Knights who are visited by a hostile alien craft. The aliens laser everyone around and have personal force shields to protect them, but they overestimated Earth's defenses. The simple bows are not energy weapons and pass right through the shields, and the Knights take over the flying saucer and so forth... I gotta suggest reading it, rather than giving away the plot altogether, but it's a great fun read.
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