Packet Status (schwag!)

edited July 2010 in General Archive
I'm still putting together the Emissary packets. I got the stickers and they look great, but I'm still waiting on an order of t-shirts as well as some fliers to hand out.

Everything should come together by mid-July, at which point I'll start shipping things out. It should definitely arrive for everyone in time for GenCon, but if your convention is a little earlier, I may ship you a temporary packet with some stickers and older fliers.

I'll make sure to give an update when the packets are shipped.


  • DreadGazebo
    Posts: 218
    Super pumped about this, are we going to do a meet up for all the Emissaries at GenCon this year?
  • Charlie_L_Hall
    Posts: 6
    That would be a decent idea. I'm in. Best place to reach me is via Twitter these days. @TheWander14
  • Leahcim
    Posts: 27
    Sounds good to me. :)
  • Matt_James
    Posts: 3
  • Sewicked
    Posts: 4
    *raises hand* am I the only one giggling hysterically? I am? Oh. I wish I were going to Gencon. It's on my wish list.
  • Micah
    Posts: 894
    I'll see about setting up a GenCon meetup.
  • Micah
    Posts: 894 edited July 2010
    GenCon meetup discussion here: "":
    Post edited by Micah on
  • Leahcim
    Posts: 27
    Three weeks until the fun begins.
  • Leahcim
    Posts: 27
    I got my package today. T-shirt looks awesome. :) I look forward to sporting it at gaming events.
  • Zmann966
    Posts: 5
    I got my package two days ago, everything looks awesome. Can't wait to rock my +1 Dark gray shirt on Friday at San Diego International Comic-Con!
  • DreadGazebo
    Posts: 218
    Still waiting on mine, it's been 9 days. I hope it gets here before GenCon!
  • Micah
    Posts: 894
    I'll send another your way. Should get there with plenty of time to spare.
  • DreadGazebo
    Posts: 218
    Awesome, got the shipping notification in my email this morning. I can reimburse shipping since you've paid it twice now. Just let me know
  • Micah
    Posts: 894
    Nah, no need to reimburse. It's a marketing expense.

    Dunno what happened to the other one. I've always been very pleased with USPS. Maybe I didn't put on enough postage.
  • Zmann966
    Posts: 5
    Comic-Con went awesome! Besides the fact of being an all around kickass con, I got about half my stickers and fliers out there. I wore my shirt on Friday and got some very nice comments on it.
    I'll scour my camera for pictures once I get settled in back home, and I'll post any relevant ones.

    PAX Prime here I come!
  • DreadGazebo
    Posts: 218
    I had to choose PAX prime or Gencon this year, maybe next I'll switch it up. Consider me jealous!
  • Leahcim
    Posts: 27
    Yeah, I would love to see some Comic-Con pics. :)

    Less then one week until Gen Con madness ensues, woohoo!
  • Charlie_L_Hall
    Posts: 6
    Micah, got my UPS notice in my email this evening. Looking forward to pimping the site for you, and my group is looking forward to trying out the service. GenCon or bust!

    What size shirt did you send me?
  • Charlie_L_Hall
    Posts: 6
    I've no doubt it will.
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