GenCon meetup

edited July 2010 in General Archive
Let's organize a meetup for GenCon. There should be a handful of Emissaries there.

*What:* Meetup w/ free lunch for Emissaries
*When:* Saturday the 7th, noon
*Where:* "Claddagh Irish Pub":

If we can keep it hush-hush (ie. Emissaries only), I'll spring for the food. Sorry, no booze on the tab, although you're welcome to buy your own if you want.

If things go well, I'll have a brand new ENnies medal to show off on Saturday. _fingers crossed_


  • Leahcim
    Posts: 27
    I get out of an event right at noon on Saturday so I will be available. :) I'll have my son with me.
  • Leahcim
    Posts: 27
    Oh, as for restaurants. The Ram rocks during Gen Con. The Claddagh Irish Pub in Indy is excellent. Hardrock Cafe is right around the corner from the convention center too but I know not everyone like the Hardrock.
  • DreadGazebo
    Posts: 218
    I'll have my wife and son with me too so no need to spring to feed them all, I have no events planned for gencon as it's my first one and I'll bee too busy just wandering (and promoting OP of course) so Sat @ noon sounds good to me. I have no qualms with any type of food.

    @Leahcim - Claddagh is awesome, my wife and I went there on our honeymoon. The calamari is awesome and the beer is cold!
  • Leahcim
    Posts: 27
    Yeah, my wife and I are fans of the Claddagh(s) as well. :)
  • DreadGazebo
    Posts: 218
    Yeah the calamari is excellent, if you can get past the more raw looks of it. Most chain restaurants serve you the nicely breaded rings, at Claddagh you can still see the suction cups on their little tentacles. Gnarly.
  • Micah
    Posts: 894
    Sounds like Claddagh is a hit, so let's plan for that.

    I've got Saturday the 7th at noon at Claddagh on my calendar for this. See you all there.
  • DreadGazebo
    Posts: 218
    Awesome, sounds great. Anyone else bringing wives, kids etc? (mine is curious)
  • Charlie_L_Hall
    Posts: 6
    Cool. Putting it on my calendar.
  • Matt_James
    Posts: 3
    Gen Con is mostly a working-engagement for me as a freelancer. That being said, if a time and place is chosen, I will try my best to be there!
  • Micah
    Posts: 894
    Updated the top post w/ location and details.
  • DreadGazebo
    Posts: 218
    Where is everyone at!
  • Leahcim
    Posts: 27
    My son and I accidentally slept in. We missed our morning Shadowrun game and didn't make it downtown in time for the lunch either. :/
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