New Emissary Organizer

edited July 2010 in General Archive
Hi all,

This is Dan, your humble Content Director. I'm taking over the role of Emissary Organizer from Micah. Let me know if you have any questions about the program!


"PM Dan (AutumnsChild)":


  • Leahcim
    Posts: 27
    Hello Dan!

    Under what criteria should we be requesting new materials to be handing out?

    I have blown through everything I was sent at Gen Con while meeting people and plugging the website. I actually even started hyping the website to Bob from Wildfire Games only to find out Bob and Micah went to college together and he is already an avid user of OP. So he and I did an impromptu pitch for the others we were talking to in the booth area. Bob told me a bit about Inferno too which is an online gaming table top-like software product too. Um, I think I started rambling. Sorry, having a good weekend. :)
  • autumnschild
    Posts: 153
    It's all good. I ramble too. Infrno is cool, I've been reading about them and gauging user interest. Seems like a neat tool that works well with what we have here. :) As for new stuff, what do you need? Everything? Shoot me a PM with your shipping address and I'll send it out within the week.

  • Leahcim
    Posts: 27
    Which begs the question, how do I send you a PM? I am having trouble finding that feature. :/
  • JimTriche
    Posts: 483
    Current method = clunky.

    Go to your OP profile, copy the name of the person you wish to PM and replace your name with it.

    Click Send Private Message.

    I'll do the annoying bit for you.

    "autumnschild's profile":

    "Direct PM Link (AutumnsChild)":
  • Leahcim
    Posts: 27
    Got the box. Thank you! Time to spread the OP love.
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