edited October 2010 in Bug Reports
where did all my pages go? there gone. all the stuff i worked on, others is gone. there is no way i can retype all that out. i'm so mad right now, please don't spam this. i just want my pages back. i did nothing to delete them.


  • stonewynd
    Posts: 3
    This is proly cause every one can edit a page and some one came in and deleted it all. I told you this would happen. Thanks a lot.
  • FrankSirmarco
    Posts: 250
    Did you ever perform a backup of your data? If so, you should be able to, at the very least, restore your campaign to the last point it was backed up. If not, I can only say "sorry".
  • Duskreign
    Posts: 1,085
    If you do a google search for the individual page urls you are missing, you can choose the "Cached" version and, sometimes, Google will have saved what was once at that address. That has saved me in similar situations. If you do so, and you see your old stuff is still there, you have to do a View Page Source, find all the code that you had on the page, and copy/paste it back into your current page. You'll probably have to do a bit of surgery to get rid of some excess code that google adds to its cached sites, also.

    Sorry about this, Stonewynd. It looks like Google still has cached stuff from your StoneWynd campaign wiki. You should act on that soon, though, before Google refreshes its cache with what's there now, rather than what was once there.

    Also, the other three campaign wikis are showing all the default "welcome to Obsidian Portal" style info, which does not simply come back when someone erases or edits your data. Either nothing was on those campaign pages yet anyway, or something other than an unauthorized edit occurred to cause this loss of data (in which case, this is not an issue you can resolve on the forum.)

    I hope this has been a help. If you retrieve your pages from google's cache and you need help getting rid of any excess html code they tend to stick in there, let us know. We can definitely help with that.

    - Duskreign.
  • stonewynd
    Posts: 3
    I want my money back. I told OP this would happen. If I'm paying you and this is how you treat me.

    I added a page and then everything was red. Though none of the content other people put in was affected.
  • Duskreign
    Posts: 1,085
    StoneWynd, there is an option to do backups specifically for this reason. If you have an issue with Obsidian Portal, the best way to resolve it is to contact the site managers by using the "Contact Us": link at the bottom of every Obsidian Portal page, including your own wiki. I have provided the link for you. I also, if you noticed, provided a potential solution to your problem in the post above.

    It sucks that you lost your work, man. That has happened to me in the past, and it isn't fun, but I did the google cache thing and got my work back. If you hurry, you might be able to do the same. Or, contact Obsidian Portal with your complaints, and maybe they can figure something else out for you. Bashing them in the forums isn't going to get you any satisfaction.

    I tried to help. If you want any more help from me, send me a pm.
  • DarkMagus
    Posts: 425
    Man, that really stinks. Sorry to hear. Dusk has definately offered some good ideas, I'd contact OP and even check out the google cache.

    I just wanted to chime in with some optimism. I feel like there's a really good chance that your pages haven't been eaten by Cthulhu. Check out this thread " ":

    Specifically, Micah says, "We keep nightly backups (7 days worth), weekly (1 months worth), and monthly (1 years worth). So, if there
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