Duskreign Sulk Thread (Come pity the poor Duskreign)



  • Poutine_Paladin
    Posts: 285
    Agreed...even when we have missing players in my "home" game (quotes because it's not my house) and don't bother playing at all, we always have a good time getting together for whatever we end up doing. Board games, or movie night, or just sitting around with friends for a night. It's rare that any of us (at least to my knowledge) ever think, "I wish we would've been gaming" because we're too busy enjoying what we WERE doing to focus on what we WEREN'T.
  • Duskreign
    Posts: 1,085
    ...wait a second...


    Aren't they... kind of... like... pies?
  • Poutine_Paladin
    Posts: 285
    Hey Dusk....I already called the leftovers, bud.
  • gnunn
    Posts: 423
    More like dumplings or gourmet Hot-pockets. My gf is from Nebraska originally, where they call them Runzas. You roll out dough, pile on ground beef, cheese, onions and cabbage (or whatever you want to fill it with), wrap it all up into a bundle and then bake it. Quite tasty and easy to reheat.
  • gnunn
    Posts: 423
    or wait... were you trying to make a ubiquitous pie joke?

    In my game group, we call what I just did, "Craiging the joke" in honor of one of our players, who is a history buff. He tends to launch into interesting and educational explanations in response to statements that were not intended to be either.
  • Poutine_Paladin
    Posts: 285
    Easy to re-heat or send to friends around the continent? My mom used to make a version of these when I was growing up, but they were just filled with straight-up seasoned ground beef. Good stuff. Gnunn. Love to see GM's that take good care of their players' munchie needs.
  • Duskreign
    Posts: 1,085
  • RaseCidraen
    Posts: 890
    Darn it, now I have to change my name to Craig.
  • DarkMagus
    Posts: 425
    I'm kind of running into this problem now too. My Ilumnos Series finished (though you wouldn't know it if you looked at my adventure logs! hahaha.... ooohhh...) and out of the three remaining players one doesn't want to play any more. We found a replacement, but now another player has a scheduling conflict. I think that's why I've been so busy on the Portal, trying to compensate for my lack of gaming.

    Well, I hope things work out for you Gnunn.
  • Duskreign
    Posts: 1,085
    One of my players, SirDrogyn, was running a spectacular Robotech game based loosely around the concept of Battlestar Galactica meets Macross 7 meets Alien vs. Predator. He reached the end of his first "season", about 8 sessions into his game, and took a hiatus to deal with life issues. Now, it's been over four years, and I am the only one left in the gaming group that played the first season, much less has any knowledge of Robotech.

    So, he's considering running a Wyrmshadow game, starting with a stand-alone session dubbed Wyrmshadow: Domination.

    DM, congrats on completing Ilumnos! When we get together at PAX, I will be running a session of Wyrmshadow for ShinENZO, CitrusAssassin, and ChristineScott720. I would be delighted to have you join us, if we are there at the same time/right time to make that happen.

    Portal time is happy time. You can always tell when I am in a better mood when I am active on the forums. If I'm not here, my joy levels must be depleted. I am not sure, but I think these things might be related.

    I, too, hope everything goes well tonight, G-none! I look forward to hearing about it!
  • gnunn
    Posts: 423
    Okay, tonight's session turned out pretty awesome. The players who were there nearly crashed the airship they were on into a mountainside. Fortunately for them, they only wound up breaking a steering fin, bending their elemental binding ring and drifting slightly off course. I could not have asked for a more perfect setup for next week! Muahahaha bring on the wyvern riders!
  • Poutine_Paladin
    Posts: 285
    Okay, so they busted up their ship a little, but didn't they get a keep that they had to figure out how to manage before taking off? How did that all pan out? And how were the stuffed buns? And did you save me a couple?
  • gnunn
    Posts: 423
    Regarding the piroshkies, Craig Craiged the food, and the few remaining scraps are going into my lunch tomorrow. Sorry!

    They did get their keep and dealt with their first set of orders.

    They made numerous repairs to the keep, most notably fixing the smithy and hiring a smith: The reward will be half-price weapons when equipping troops in the future.
    They were presented with a squad of heavy infantry as part of their starting package, and started training an additional squad of guards. In one month they'll be able to rotate their guards on two full-strength shifts/day or 3 slightly weaker shifts per day. They also repaired enough of the barracks to house a third squad of guards when they can afford to equip them.

    They resolved a dispute between Cosmina representing the valley's herdsmen and Kruno representing the farmers. They set up a combined agriculture guild to handle food production in the valley. This constituted an activated resource, and will return 1000g this year.

    They also sprang for a shiny iron portcullis in their main gate.

    Everyone really seemed to enjoy the keep planning session as a change of pace from the usual dice-rolling. It had a much more free flow feel to it. And by roleplaying as their interim castellan, Father Yarov, I was able to dispense advice and maintain the feel that it was the characters making the plans, not the players.
  • gnunn
    Posts: 423
    OMG! I just had an idea to create a gnollish air pirate and give him a name punning on Don Karnage. Perhaps Luis Massacre or The impeccable Admiral Goerre (Pronounced Gore... but with lots of rolled 'r's)

    okay, that was random... but I totally smell a future nemesis.
  • RaseCidraen
    Posts: 890
    Nemeseses? Sign me up!

    Dusk, I have charted a plot of data that has your joy levels versus your time spent on OP, and I must say, there is a strong correlation, but I don't think it's quite definitive *yet*. Just don't get your beams crossed.
  • gnunn
    Posts: 423
    Then this morning, I had an idea for a group of humanoid-devouring were-elk lead by someone named Donner.
  • DarkMagus
    Posts: 425

    What days are you going to PAX? We're still not sure about things yet. I think there might be enough money, but now I've gotten an offer from a grad school I was accepted to to fly out and visit on the 14th of March. If I do that I'm thinking they'd fly me out on Sunday the 13th. So maybe we will try for Saturday the 12th.

    If there's time to play I'd likely be down. Can't speak for anyone else though. They might want to just walk around and check things out.
  • Duskreign
    Posts: 1,085
    Even just meeting up will be cool, man. Saturday would probably work out just fine!
  • arsheesh
    Posts: 850
    Well I'm glad to here that your game went well despite the major hiccup Grunn. We all know how disappointing it can be to plan out a major session only to have players not be able to make it.

    I've got sort of the reverse problem on my plate at the moment. I'm currently running 3 campaigns, two of which only meet semi regularly. Nonetheless between preparing for these sessions I find I hardly have time for much else, including regularly participating in the OP forums.

    Well, that was true until about two days ago when I sliced open the top of my right wrist while doing dishes. It was a deep enough injury to warrant a trip to the ER. After running some tests the doctors informed me that I had lacerated one of the tendons in my thumb and completely severed another. I go in for surgery next week. What this has meant is that I've had to put a hold on all my games: the laceration is on my right hand, and, being that I'm right handed, I find it just takes too long to accomplish simple tasks (such as typing this post) to prep for my games. At any rate, I'm trying to keep my chin up about the whole ordeal, after all, in the grand scope of things this is just a minor set-back in life. However, I am concerned about what this operation is going to cost my wife and I. Well, there's my contribution to this thread about venting. I'm really not looking for sympathy by the way, more I just missed you guys and wanted to share with you all what's been going on in my life.

  • DarkMagus
    Posts: 425
    Sorry to hear Arsheesh. :(

    Your absence had been noticed and your presence missed.

    Hoping you have a quick and easy recovery!

  • Duskreign
    Posts: 1,085
    Jesus, man.

    I can't tell you how sorry I am for what happened. Freak accidents can cause a whole world of problems for people. I am sure you will be back in business after a while, after the surgery and recovery, but in the mean time, if there is anything I can do to help, I would love to do so.

    And yeah. DM's right. We missed you, Arsh.
  • gnunn
    Posts: 423
    Sheesh Arsheesh! That's awful! Have you considered picking up dictation software like Dragon, Naturally Speaking?

    Hmmm... now I'm wondering if pulling out my old Dragon software might be a way to take notes during my game. (i.e. record a whole friggin transcript...)
  • Poutine_Paladin
    Posts: 285
    Well that certainly does suck, Arsh. Hopefully you learned something about being careful with things that are sharp. (not making fun of you, bud...God knows I've had my share of personally inflicted injuries that I may or may not have learned from) Glad you managed to keep your thumb...sounds like you almost lost it...and it's important. Good attitude about the whole thing...that goes a long way in recovery, too. I echo Dusk when I volunteer to help if needed, though I don't know how I could possibly help you out from up in Canada, it's not like I could cut up your steak for you or anything.

    Also, Congratulations to Dark on his Grad-school acceptance (poor bastard, haha) and well wishes to everyone going to PAX...Maybe one of these years I'll be able to meet up with some Portalites, as well.
  • arsheesh
    Posts: 850
    Hey thanks for the well-wishes guys, ya'll are the best. Also, really glad to here about your grad school acceptance DM. As one who is currently applying to PhD programs myself, I know how nerve-wracking the process can be. I'm happy for you bro.

  • DarkMagus
    Posts: 425
    Thanks very much guys. I've only heard back from one of the eight schools I have applied to, and while it wasn't my #1 choice its a school I really like the idea of going to, especially if I don't get my #1 choice.
  • RaseCidraen
    Posts: 890
    Yikes... there aren't really words for it, but I'm sorry that happened Arsheesh. (Especially since Gnunn stoleded the pun I was going to use.) Like Dusk said (Gee, I'm a parrot today...), if there's anything I can do, let me know!

    DM, props to you for going to Grad school... I'd love to get my Masters, but I don't think that's in the cards for me for a while :( When is the deadline for hearing from the other schools?
  • gaaran
    Posts: 740
    That's rough Arsheesh, I missed this thread. I'm with Gnunn, a speech recognition program will really help you out I think (and if you have windows 7, it's built in, not sure about other versions). I hope everything heals up properly, and you're back to your old self in no time!

    Also, congrats to DarkMagus so far, and good luck on the others!
  • DarkMagus
    Posts: 425
    Hey thanks Rase and Gaaran. :)

    I had thought I wouldn't hear anything until March/April, but UC Davis called me the last day of January, so I really have no idea. And since all the programs I applied to are PhD programs I won't have to go through this application and waiting process again after my Masters. YAY! (Well to be fair the waiting hasn't been too bad, but the application process was not something I'd want to ever repeat again. Maybe it's because I applied to 8 schools that it was such a pain, but I wanted to be sure I'd get in somewhere.)
  • FrankSirmarco
    Posts: 250
    Get well soon, Arsheesh!
  • Dyluth
    Posts: 92
    Arsheesh I can't believe this, I'm so sorry to hear about that. Please take all the rest you need and I really do hope you can recover quickly and that this won't affect your work and life plans in the immediate future. Get well soon friend!
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