looking for players Pathfinder once/month on weekend

edited December 2010 in General Archive
About me: 38, have been playing and running various games for over 20 years. Not only table top but LARPs as well. Great attention to detail and combat. Pretty damn creative.

I am looking for 3 to 5 player for a home brew campaign. I would prefer players to be mature, ahem, over 21+.

About the game: I will be using the Pathfinder system. I run the game more as a story teller than a DM. The world is my own. I do not in general force players into "modules" rather prefer them getting into trouble on their own. I set the stage, do a phenomenal job playing multiple NPC for all to interact with. The game is about playing roles/personalities of your characters. Which means that what you create should at least have a personality. I keep very tight reins on Magic Use. Starting alignment is irrelevant, I can make anything jive. PCs should not be afraid of having characters killed. It happens, deal with it. Its a game.

The game will consist of only about 40% combat. The rest will be investigations, and PC and NPC interactions. If you are interested and want to pre-make a character you start with 83 points for your attributes. Attributes can not exceed racial max. Attributes can not exceed -2 bonus. If you prefer to roll them wait for the first session.

World primary races, that is races that are everywhere, are human, elves and half elves. That is not to say that others do not exist but that will be the area were you start from.

I have veto power on all game rules and character possessions/creation. Start at 1st level and we will re-scale at the beginning of first session.

We now have 3 players and would like 2 more. The game will run once (1) per month on a weekend. We are generating characters and backgrounds at this time. I am not sure about location but I think we can find some place in the Manhattan where no one will mind.

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