Dragon Age RPG

edited January 2011 in General Discussion
Has any one played the Dragon Age pen and paper RPG? I am thinking of buying it and want some feed back before I do. I have read some good reviews but I want to hear what guys have to say.


  • Boze
    Posts: 4
    Yes I played it.

    I am a big fan of the dragon age universe and the game is solid for what it is.

    And that is an accessible old school feel rpg.

    It's quite combat oriented, super accessible and programmed pretty well for learning the rules.

    If you are looking for a rules light rpg with decent content and support (it's greenronins lovechild right now while other ips are getting somewhat ignored) then it's your game.

    Personally I enjoy ASIFRPG by greenronin more, due to the crunch, setting, quick combat and intrigue! DA ended up being too light for me.
  • VentureSix
    Posts: 30
    I picked up the box set and glanced through it, but no time for in-depth yet, so thank you for the info! Been thinking about doing a DA PbP game sometime this year.
  • Boze
    Posts: 4
    No problemo, I am glad you picked up the box set, it's a good game.

    And I think Dragon Age, due to its accessibility and format would be great for a PbP game. :D
  • VentureSix
    Posts: 30
    Thanks for the feedback! Now to find time to read the material, heh!
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