Facebook-related question

edited January 2011 in General Discussion
Hey, guys! I have a Facebook-related question for you. I want to have my site updates post on Facebook, but I don't want them to post to my wall. I only want the people playing in those specific games to see the Obsidian Portal updates. I have a private group set up with all those people in the group, so I was wondering whether or not there was a way to set it up so my Obsidian Portal facebook updates would post on the group's wall, instead of mine. Otherwise, I guess I could just copy/paste the url for everything I do and update the group manually. However, I thought I would ask about whether I could automate this process or not.

Anyway, thanks in advance for any advice you can give me.

- Duskreign.


  • RaseCidraen
    Posts: 890
    Automation would be awesome. Is there some way to link the RSS feed to the Group's wall? I think RSS is neat (I only started using it when I was checking my campaign but couldn't be bothered to check the actual campaign due to other activities... sigh.) It might be able to help?
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