Want to share a little piece of writing

edited January 2011 in Player Lounge
Hey guys and gals!

So I like to write short pieces here and there (like in "this thread":http://forums.obsidianportal.com/comments.php?DiscussionID=1508) and I just finished something I'd like to share with you. My buddy and his gaming group (my old group, the guys I played with in highschool, who just very recently asked me to join in their new campaign YIPPEE!!) have been playing 4th Edition for years now and we got to talking about systems and our preferences and complaints and things and it got him thinking he'd like to try out the Pathfinder rules. So anyways, we came up with the fun idea of playing a late night session, just three of us after everyone else leaves. One DM and two players. Anyways after lots of discussion about what kind of world and what kind of characters it was decided that it would be fun to play "evil" characters (not evilgelicals just selfish and without too many morals ya know).

So last night we played the first session of this short test world and it was a blast. I have written up a short piece about a major event in this character's life, based on the personal history that I had come up with for my dude.

So my character Kazimir, is a 2nd level fighter. He is a smart guy (Int 16) who has always been a bit smaller and scrawnier than the others (Str 14), and so has tried to compensate by being a smarter fighter. This competition and need to prove his worth made him study fighting instead of say wizardry. He has developed this complex where he uses his intelligence to justify his being better than others and all of this has developed into a general contempt for most people. He isn't very charismaitc (Cha 12) but what he does have he uses strategically. He likes to manipulate others, and has always been keen enough to find the weaker ones who will do his bidding. Anyways, he formerly fought in the military, but now can be found in the slums as a sword for hire. He hides his intelligence behind a mask of stupidity. He usually has one eyebrow raised as if he's confused and having the ex-soldier look makes it easy for people to quickly write him off. Obviously this gives him a huge advantage. He's also really big into philosophy...

So here's a scene from his past with a brief explanation in the -next post:- few posts apparently because of limited word space in posts:


  • DarkMagus
    Posts: 425
  • DarkMagus
    Posts: 425
  • DarkMagus
    Posts: 425

    So the idea is that he kills his commander to try to get ahead, because above all else he hungers for power. Money is a means to an end, he cares far more about status. He was going to say he saved the commander's life but he bled to death and see if the "act of heroism" would get him a promotion.

    The DM and I haven't worked out the exact details, and sometimes I like to leave things open like that for DMs to have fun with. So really I'm not sure what happened if he was suspected of murder, or if he was denied the promotion and honor and decided to quit... No idea. But thats it in a very large bag of nutshells.

    Hope ya like it! :)
  • RaseCidraen
    Posts: 890
    DarkMagus, absolutely phenomenal. Your expoundation on the philosophies are spot on, when taken in the logical conclusion that they have been. It's a twisted logic, but I think it fits the character very well!
  • DarkMagus
    Posts: 425
    Thanks! :)

    That what I was going for. Twisting all of the great philosophies of his time to try to justify his world view and actions will be a big part of who he is and how I play him.
  • RaseCidraen
    Posts: 890
    I actually used to RP a philosopher stonemason - gone hunter, and it was very interesting, seeing how stoneshaping worked it's way into how he thought about everything. It was fun for a while, but then I started to take it for granite and got lazy. My friends bauxited at the idea of having to shale long journeys with him, for sapphire of being regaled with stories of his grandfather. I used to think it was igneous, but now I'm not so sure. And then I got bored and he pretended to be a pyrite for a while. (Okay, I'm done, I swear.)
  • DarkMagus
    Posts: 425
    My jaw just hit the floor....

    Well done, well done.
  • RaseCidraen
    Posts: 890
    Phew! I was nervous there for a second. I thought I had hit *rock bottom*. _Rimshot_

    Wait... that wasn't a rimshot! That was a gunshot... Now I'm bleeding everywhere..

    Whoever it was, that wasn't very gneiss...
  • DarkMagus
    Posts: 425
    Rase, your puns rock!
  • RaseCidraen
    Posts: 890
    Thank you sir! I suppose I guess I just take my particular brand of humor for granite.
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