Crazy Celebrities as D&D Monsters

edited March 2011 in General Discussion
I love basing the personalities of my NPCs and BBEGs on characters from movies, books, TV or from actual people in the news. Its a lot easier when drafting an NPC to write down: Yosemite Sam, or Samuel L. Jackson as a prompt for how to play that character in game than it is to write out a full description of their mannerisms.

In the wake of the now internetfamous Charlie Sheen interview, I started thinking about which crazy celebrities would fit well as the personalities for different D&D monsters and I'd LOVE to hear other folks' ideas on the matter.

* Charlie Sheen - I think his burned out voice and raving about giving people magic would be ideal for a Lich.
* Oprah - She seems like she would be good as some sort of dragon, acting magnanimous but in a way that adds to her prestige and ultimately benefits her own horde.
* Sean Penn - An ogre druid who was once in a torrid love affair with a nymph. He loves the planet, but always scowls and if you piss him off, he'll smash your face.
* Tom Cruise - Dragon with a captive princess. He is a major player in a bizarre cult and will ruthlessly quash anyone who calls BS on them.

Okay now it's your turn!


  • libranchylde
    Posts: 113
    Lindsy Lohan, as a Kender, a clepto with a drug problem. She even has the Kender spoon of "Cooking", given to her by her Uncle Smackslinger
  • gnunn
    Posts: 423
    Brilliant! I was trying to figure out what she would be. I could also see her as either a kobold, or perhaps a pixie with the same problem... or an ethereal filcher.
  • Poutine_Paladin
    Posts: 285
    Paris Hilton: A wealthy heiress to a huge fortune/kingdom who thinks/acts as if her fame is due to some actual talent/skill, but in's only that the commoners want to bed her (and it's an actual possibility as many very graphic works of art can attest).

    Miley Cyrus: The unfortunate result of a bard who was in good with the public for a few months many years back mating with a halfling wanderer hopes to use that status as a springboard for her own career as a performer, but once again...the commoners just want to bed her.

    Avril Lavigne: A doppleganger/shapeshifter that takes on whatever persona will achieve her goals according to the whims of the general populous.

    Wow, I'm starting to see a trend, so I'll stop for now.
  • gnunn
    Posts: 423
    Nice Poutine!

    I would even go further and make Paris Hilton a succubus and Miley Cyrus some sort of evil fey trying to lure village children to their doom.

    I think the Avril description is perfect!
  • Poutine_Paladin
    Posts: 285
    Maybe Miley's bardic father mated with a dryad instead of a halfling? Oh.....and beautiful pun on the succubus...especially if it was intentional.
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