Gamma World on short notice!

edited March 2011 in General Discussion

My regular D&D game night fell apart this week at the last minute due to player absences. I've been talking with some of the players who were planning on coming, and we have decided to have a go at the introductory adventure for Gamma World instead. Here's the thing, I have read through the adventure only once and have run one of my players through the character creation process, so I know the basics... sort of. We are playing tonight starting about 1/2 an hour to an hour after I get home from work.

We only have 2 hours of actual play time scheduled, if people get their characters made between 6:30 & 7, so I don't expect to get through the whole adventure but hope to have the big word, FUN.

1. Can I do it?
2. Any recommendations for ultra speed prep?
3. Any ideas for speeding up play so we can get through more of the adventure?
4. Should I even go with the intro adventure, or should I try to make up a small scenario and run that instead?

I am both really excited and really terrified.


  • VentureSix
    Posts: 30
    So how did this go?
  • gnunn
    Posts: 423
    It actually went really well considering I had only run through character creation and read the intro adventure once, last November & had no time to review after I got home.

    Honestly, the hardest part was getting the characters made up. I was dealing with 5 players (3 from my regular group +2 others) who were all totally new to Gamma World. Plus we only had one rulebook to work off of. If I found myself in a similar situation in the future, I would probably wait until everyone arrived and then have them all roll characters simultaneously while I held the book and told them their origins, etc. As it was, we had a weird stagger thing going on that had us all wrestling over the book.

    We ended up starting about 1/2 hour late, giving us only 1:30 of play time. Still, we managed to role play the intro and adventure hook, a little intro fight for flavor and then one actual combat encounter.

    So, I'd say things went well, considering it was a zero prep night.
  • VentureSix
    Posts: 30
    Great to hear! I've heard decent things about Gamma World, and the ease in which you got your group up and playing is definitely a huge factor for looking into this system. Thanks!
  • gaaran
    Posts: 740
    Sounds great Gnunn, I've really been wanting to play a game of Gamma World, but I'm currently in the market for a new gaming group, so we''l see when that happens. The system just looks fun though.
  • RaseCidraen
    Posts: 890
    Wait, there are markets for gaming groups? Why wasn't I informed! I'm a buyer!

    ...also, the ultimate in speed prepping: IMPROV! Nothing is speedier than just making stuff up from the seat of your pants.
  • Duskreign
    Posts: 1,085
    Gaaran, I cordially invite you to play Wyrmshadow with us on Fridays. You just have to somehow wind up at my house every Friday at 9.
  • gnunn
    Posts: 423

    That is exactly what I relied on... at least for all the roleplaying. I pulled NPC names, rolls and personalities out of my butt and just went with it.
  • gaaran
    Posts: 740
    Dusk, you're what, 2000 miles from here? Lets see... I've got it! Teleportation, now i just need to be a 10th level sorcerer so i have at least 2 5th levels spells... lol, wow, too nerdy, even for me :P.
  • Duskreign
    Posts: 1,085
    Nope! Just nerdy enough!
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