Campaign Setting categories

edited May 2011 in Feature Requests
We've already got every campaign sorted by game system; it would be neat if we could add a similar, optional tag to our campaigns for campaign setting, and organize these campaigns in a directory, or just make the tags clickable so we can find other people running the same campaign setting. I run Dark Sun, and I find that other Dark Sun campaigns here are extremely useful for information, ideas for layout, etc., etc.

So to be clear, what I'm asking for is a "Setting" tag that works just like the "System" tag in the Campaigns directory, and provides another level of filtering, alongside "Status" and "Looking for Players." This tag should NOT be typed in by the campaign owner, otherwise we'd have "Dark Sun," "darksun," "DrkSn," and who knows how many other spellings of the same setting.

On the other hand, Micah shouldn't have to know about every setting out there; perhaps GMs would be presented with a list of settings available for their game system, and if none of them apply, they can create a new one.
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