Not really gaming related

edited October 2011 in Player Lounge
Okay Guys,

This is not gaming related really. I am an artist and I am thinking about setting up a blog to get some of my work out there. Some of my work is loosely gaming related, and I have a series of drawings featuring a character I created, called Otis. I know there are some phenomenal artist on OP whose work I admire and whose opinion I would relish. Now, I cannot think of a good name for this blog. Any suggestions?


  • GamingMegaverse
    Posts: 3,001 edited October 2011
    How about creating an Obsidian site called "Starving Artists Wanted" ? I bet you would get a lot of attention.
    Curious, how about a listing of your favorite Obsidian artists? I will nominate "Kenari Sanura":

    "A God...Rebuilt":
    Post edited by GamingMegaverse on

    Just trying to help out.

  • Kenari_Sanura
    Posts: 4
    Aw, why thank you, killervp! :)

    Have you tried Deviant Art, libranchylde? That site is great for helping artists with online galleries and journals. Wordpress is always good too, as I believe they have some gallery options. I can also recommend getting on Google+, as there are tons of people in the gaming industry on that site and I see a lot of people looking for freelance illustrations and design there.

    Any chance we can get a link to see some of your art?
  • vstraydogstrutv
    Posts: 209
    I second deviantArt. I don't post much over there anymore, but it is a great way to showcase your art to a community that will truly appreciate it, and they offer the ability to link your photos in to whatever site you may be working, be it your own personal blog or whathaveyou.

    I would recommend a combination of a wordpress blog with deviantArt, that way you have a dedicated spot that you control to send people and the support of the artistic community.
  • libranchylde
    Posts: 113
    Thanks Guys, I already have a deviantART profile though. I want to do something a little more personal. I will definitely be posting Otis to deviantART soon.

    by the way I am libranchylde over on dA also. can't link to it right now, since i am at work
  • libranchylde
    Posts: 113
    I was thinking more of just a Name for the Blog
  • vstraydogstrutv
    Posts: 209
    Is this something that could double as a portfolio for jobs or anything?
  • libranchylde
    Posts: 113
    Not really for jobs. It is personal. Just something I want to work on for friends and family (and any one else who wants to follow I suppose)

    "Libranchylde": on deviantART
  • vstraydogstrutv
    Posts: 209
    I like "The Libran Anthology." Or chronicles.
  • Duskreign
    Posts: 1,085 edited October 2011
    Words About Stuff (like art, and junk)


    Words and Junk (about Stuff or Whatever)
    Post edited by Duskreign on
  • vstraydogstrutv
    Posts: 209 edited October 2011
    I like it. Done! Another request completed in record time. Dusk, beer time?

    "Heurdenvaar(vstraydogstrutv's current campaign)":

    "Shared Creations(A repository of helpful RP information)":
    Post edited by vstraydogstrutv on
  • libranchylde
    Posts: 113
    Dusk, LMAO
  • libranchylde
    Posts: 113
    Since it will be mostly for me to post new pieces with my guy Otis and just other ramblings I was thinking of something along the lines of Otis' Hollow. What do you guys think?
  • GamingMegaverse
    Posts: 3,001
    If it is mostly Otis, go with that. If it is mostly yourself, go with Vstray's idea- Libran Chronicles.
    Just my 2 cents.

    "A God...Rebuilt":

    Just trying to help out.

  • Duskreign
    Posts: 1,085
    The Irreverent Idioms and Ingenious Illustrations of the Irascible Otis (or IIIIO for short)
  • libranchylde
    Posts: 113 edited October 2011
    Hmmm *Otis Illustrations* aka *Oi*! lol

    I posted some of my pieces of Otis and others last night. My favorite is *Steampunk Otis*
    "Libranchylde": on deviantART
    Post edited by libranchylde on
  • Baalshamon
    Posts: 585
    Whenever is see Otis or any other variation of the name, I remember with much fondness "Erol Otus":
  • libranchylde
    Posts: 113 edited October 2011
    Hey Guys,

    just thought i would update: I have still not had the time to start this blog, but I have decided on *Otis, Illuminated* or *Oi!*

    Also, I thought it would be a good idea if I started taking commissions for pieces and thought that gamers might appreciate *Otisian* PC portraits. I haven't decided on prices yet so that is negotiable. Also since OP has been a great source of inspiration for both my gaming and my art, I will be giving any OPiates a discount.

    "Libranchylde": on deviantART
    Post edited by libranchylde on
  • Duskreign
    Posts: 1,085
    Great idea, Libs! I love it!
  • Morrinn
    Posts: 166
    Good luck dude, I might just hit you up on that offer.
  • libranchylde
    Posts: 113
    I am thinking each Otisian Portrait will be around 25-30 dollars (plus shipping) with OPiates getting 50% off. I need to set a paypal account but if you guys are interested let me know. I will be happy to make your character including any clothing, gear and special items you want. If you want a background that would be extra
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