D&D 3.5 Character Sheet


  • gh0st
    Posts: 2
    Here's some code for a D&D 3.5 character sheet. You can view it rendered in the Description of this NPC:

    ************************* BEGIN *************************

    table{border:1px solid black}.
    |Alignment |=.align |Diety |=.diety|Age |=.0 |
    | Gender |=. mf | Height |=. 0 | Weight |=. 0 |
    |Eyes |=. eyes | Hair |=. hair | Skin |=. skin |

    table{border:1px solid black}.
    |\3=.Abilities |
    | Ability | Score | Modifier |
    | Str |=. 0 |=. 0 |
    | Dex |=. 0 |=. 0 |
    | Con |=. 0 |=. 0 |
    | Int |=. 0 |=. 0 |
    | Wis |=. 0 |=. 0 |
    | Cha |=. 0 |=. 0 |

    table{border:1px solid black}.
    | HP |=. 0 | Speed |=. 0 |
    |\2.Total|Dex Mod|Misc|

    table{border:1px solid black}.
    |\9=.Armor Class|
    |Total | Base | Armor | Shield | Dex Mod | Size | Natural | Deflection | Misc |
    |={background:#ddd}. 0 |=. 10 |=. 0 |=. 0 |=. 0 |=. 0 |=. 0 |=. 0 |=. 0 |
    |Touch |\4=.0 |Flat-Footed |\3=.0 |

    table{border:1px solid black}.
    |\6=.Saving Throws|
    |Save|Total|Base|Abil Mod|Magic Mod|Misc|
    |Fortitude (Con)|={background:#ddd}. 0 |=. 0 |=. 0 |=. 0 |=. 0 |
    |Reflex (Dex) |={background:#ddd}. 0 |=. 0 |=. 0 |=. 0 |=. 0 |
    |Will (Wis) |={background:#ddd}. 0 |=. 0 |=. 0 |=. 0 |=. 0 |

    table{border:1px solid black}.
    |\2.Base Attack Bonus |\3=.0 |
    |\5=.Grapple |
    |Total|Base Att Bonus|Str Mod|Size Mod|Misc|
    |={background:#ddd}. 0 |=. 0 |=. 0 |=. 0 |=. 0 |

    table{border:1px solid black}.
    |Attack|Att Bonus|Damage|Critical|
    |Att name|=. 0 |=. 0 |=. 0 |
    |\2=.Range |\2=.Type |
    |\2=.0|\2=.0 |
    |Notes|\3. notes |

    table{border:1px solid black}.
    |Attack|Att Bonus|Damage|Critical|
    |Att name|=. 0 |=. 0 |=. 0 |
    |\2=.Range |\2=.Type |
    |\2=.0|\2=.0 |
    |Notes|\3. notes |

    table{border:1px solid black}.
    |Attack|Att Bonus|Damage|Critical|
    |Att name|=. 0 |=. 0 |=. 0 |
    |\2=.Range |\2=.Type |
    |\2=.0|\2=.0 |
    |Notes|\3. notes |

    table{border:1px solid black}.
    |\5=.Skills | Max
    class/cross | 0/0 |
    |=.Class |=.Skill |=.Ability |=. Modifier |=.Abil Mod |=.Ranks |=. Misc |
    |=.o |Appraise1 |=. INT | |={background:#ddd}.0 |=. 0 |=. 0 |=. 0 |
    |=.o |Balance1 |=. DEX | |={background:#ddd}.0 |=. 0 |=. 0 |=. 0 |
    |=.o |Bluff1 |=. CHA| |={background:#ddd}.0 |=. 0 |=. 0 |=. 0 |
    |=.o |Climb1 |=. STR2 | |={background:#ddd}.0 |=. 0 |=. 0 |=. 0 |
    |=.o |Concentration1 |=. CON| |={background:#ddd}.0 |=. 0 |=. 0 |=. 0 |
    |=.o |Craft1 |=. INT | |={background:#ddd}.0 |=. 0 |=. 0 |=. 0 |
    |=.o |Craft1 |=. INT | |={background:#ddd}.0 |=. 0 |=. 0 |=. 0 |
    |=.o |Craft1 |=. INT | |={background:#ddd}.0 |=. 0 |=. 0 |=. 0 |
    |=.o |Decipher Script |=. INT | |={background:#ddd}.0 |=. 0 |=. 0 |=. 0 |
    |=.o |Diplomacy1 |=. CHA| |={background:#ddd}.0 |=. 0 |=. 0 |=. 0 |
    |=.o |Disable Device|=. INT| |={background:#ddd}.0 |=. 0 |=. 0 |=. 0 |
    |=.o |Disguise1 |=. CHA| |={background:#ddd}.0 |=. 0 |=. 0 |=. 0 |
    |=.o |Escape Artist1 |=. DEX2 | |={background:#ddd}.0 |=. 0 |=. 0 |=. 0 |
    |=.o |Forgery1 |=. INT| |={background:#ddd}.0 |=. 0 |=. 0 |=. 0 |
    |=.o |Gather Information1 |=. CHA| |={background:#ddd}.0 |=. 0 |=. 0 |=. 0 |
    |=.o |Handle Animal |=. CHA| |={background:#ddd}.0 |=. 0 |=. 0 |=. 0 |
    |=.o |Heal1 |=. WIS| |={background:#ddd}.0 |=. 0 |=. 0 |=. 0 |
    |=.o |Hide1 |=. DEX2 | |={background:#ddd}.0 |=. 0 |=. 0 |=. 0 |
    |=.o |Intimidate1 |=. CHA| |={background:#ddd}.0 |=. 0 |=. 0 |=. 0 |
    |=.o |Jump1 |=. STR2 | |={background:#ddd}.0 |=. 0 |=. 0 |=. 0 |
    |=.o |Knowledge|=. INT| |={background:#ddd}.0 |=. 0 |=. 0 |=. 0 |
    |=.o |Knowledge|=. INT| |={background:#ddd}.0 |=. 0 |=. 0 |=. 0 |
    |=.o |Knowledge|=. INT| |={background:#ddd}.0 |=. 0 |=. 0 |=. 0 |
    |=.o |Knowledge |=. INT| |={background:#ddd}.0 |=. 0 |=. 0 |=. 0 |
    |=.o |Listen1 |=. WIS| |={background:#ddd}.0 |=. 0 |=. 0 |=. 0 |
    |=.o |Move Silenty1 |=. DEX2 | |={background:#ddd}.0 |=. 0 |=. 0 |=. 0 |
    |=.o |Open Lock |=. DEX| |={background:#ddd}.0 |=. 0 |=. 0 |=. 0 |
    |=.o |Perform |=. CHA| |={background:#ddd}.0 |=. 0 |=. 0 |=. 0 |
    |=.o |Perform |=. CHA| |={background:#ddd}.0 |=. 0 |=. 0 |=. 0 |
    |=.o |Perform |=. CHA| |={background:#ddd}.0 |=. 0 |=. 0 |=. 0 |
    |=.o |Profession |=. WIS| |={background:#ddd}.0 |=. 0 |=. 0 |=. 0 |
    |=.o |Profession |=. WIS| |={background:#ddd}.0 |=. 0 |=. 0 |=. 0 |
    |=.o |Ride1 |=. DEX| |={background:#ddd}.0 |=. 0 |=. 0 |=. 0 |
    |=.o |Search1 |=. INT| |={background:#ddd}.0 |=. 0 |=. 0 |=. 0 |
    |=.o |Sense Motive1 |=. WIS| |={background:#ddd}.0 |=. 0 |=. 0 |=. 0 |
    |=.o |Sleight of Hand |=. DEX2 | |={background:#ddd}.0 |=. 0 |=. 0 |=. 0 |
    |=.o |Spell Craft |=. INT| |={background:#ddd}.0 |=. 0 |=. 0 |=. 0 |
    |=.o |Spot1 |=. WIS| |={background:#ddd}.0 |=. 0 |=. 0 |=. 0 |
    |=.o |Survival1 |=. WIS| |={background:#ddd}.0 |=. 0 |=. 0 |=. 0 |
    |=.o |Swim1 |=. STR3 | |={background:#ddd}.0 |=. 0 |=. 0 |=. 0 |
    |=.o |Tumble |=. DEX2 | |={background:#ddd}.0 |=. 0 |=. 0 |=. 0 |
    |=.o |Use Magic Device |=. CHA| |={background:#ddd}.0 |=. 0 |=. 0 |=. 0 |
    |=.o |Use Rope1 |=. DEX| |={background:#ddd}.0 |=. 0 |=. 0 |=. 0 |
    |\7.1Skill can be used untrained
    2Armor penalty, if any, applies
    3Double armor penalty, if any, applies |

    ************************* END *************************
  • geekevolved
    Posts: 75
    Kudos to you, I think a lot of people could use that. and it looks pretty snazzy :D
  • RobJustice
    Posts: 178
    That is AWESOME. Thanks for sharing!
  • Micah
    Posts: 894
    Bada-bing! I hope you don't mind being featured on the "front-page":http://www.obsidianportal.com...
  • eleusis
    Posts: 8
    Looks good. "Kive":http://www.obsidianportal.com/game_contents/show/kive
  • DMaple
    Posts: 63
  • Charsen
    Posts: 85
    Awesome! Now if only my D&D DM would use OP... Soon, I hope... soon. :)
  • WadeL
    Posts: 7
    I am having trouble getting this to display properly - I noticed the post is quite old(necro ftw!), has the formatting changed since?
  • ChainsawXIV
    Posts: 530
    If you can post a link to an example of it not working, and describe what specifically is going wrong one of us may be able to help you.
  • gnunn
    Posts: 423 edited February 2010
    "screen cap":http://picasaweb.google.com/geoffnunn2/GameImages#5433565053652144754 of this thread displaying incorrectly.

    I am viewing the thread in Firefox / Windows7
    Post edited by gnunn on
  • ChainsawXIV
    Posts: 530 edited February 2010
    Oh! You're talking about the thread itself. I thought you were talking about trying to use the template on your wiki. When the forum system changed, support for the HTML _pre_ tag changed significantly, and it looks like that's what's gone wrong here. Some of the HTML and/or Textile in the original post is being interpreted, rather than shown as code as it was under the old system. The original poster, or a moderator with edit privileges, could probably retrieve the original code, and post it in a text file or something. Short of that it looks like this is dead though, unfortunately.
    Post edited by ChainsawXIV on
  • gnunn
    Posts: 423
    Honestly, I'm not entirely sure what WadeL was referring to, but I thought the thread-formatting issue was worth noting. I have also submitted a bug ticket.
  • WadeL
    Posts: 7
    I noticed the thread was wacky, but I was indeed talking about it not displaying properly on a character page. An example here: http://www.obsidianportal.com/campaigns/dragonlance/characters/aureus I guess I am likely missing a tag or including some formatting I shouldn't or the like.
  • gnunn
    Posts: 423

    did you make sure to begin and end each table row with a == | == like so:

    ==| cell1 | cell2 | cell3 |==

    because i'm not seeing the leading =="|"==
  • gnunn
    Posts: 423
    Okay, now that I am looking at your code somewhere other than on my phone, I can tell it needs quite a bit of work.

    To make things easy on you, might I suggest using the code I use "here":http://www.obsidianportal.com/campaign/the-westerlands/wikis/character-sheet

    or if you prefer something simpler, you might try the code I posted in "this thread":http://forums.obsidianportal.com/comments.php?DiscussionID=1188&page=1#Item_3

    If you want any help customizing things, please don't hesitate to ask.
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