Character History & Background

edited May 2012 in General Discussion
"My character history, its a bit long lol":

Just wondered what people thought of my character history, or what they have done with theirs?



  • Baalshamon
    Posts: 585
    a bit long is an understatement but still a fun read. Overall I liked the story but when I started I was not expecting a novella. You kept me up past my bedtime. lol Goodwork.


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  • Black_Vulmea
    Posts: 277
    How do you use this in roleplaying your character?

    Mike aka Black Vulmea
    "_Le Ballet de l'Acier_": - swashbuckling adventures in the age of the Three Musketeers and Captain Alatriste
    Featured Campaign of the Month - August 2011
  • Baalshamon
    Posts: 585
    B_V, in my campaign I gave the players the option to write up stories of their past adventures. It was a great source for me as a GM to draw on those stories for old friends and enemies of the players. In addition, it helped to shape the context of the campaign. I assume that the players will write stories that give insight into their personal style of play as well as what they are looking for in future stores. When we started our campaign, I had been able to develope over 200 npc's for the game as well as numerous adventuring hooks, all based on those detailed stories my players posted.
  • Spiritual
    Posts: 26
    Yes character history was very long, was more that I enjoyed writing it.

    I use it in my character various ways, my people in the history were killed by the nation of Thera in the Earthdawn world so fair to say my character hates them with a burning passion, his goal is also to find other survivors from his destroyed home, other golden knights like himself who managed to escape the great air ships of Thera, so the history kinds of places my character at war with one of the biggest and most evil nations in the land and also gives him a set mission to frind other people from his destroyed house.

    Also gives any GM "Hooks" if they wish to run history based adventures, I always try to include a lot of items, names and places in such a history so a GM can always look and find something to use for a historical / background adventure (if they wish to run one that is) anyway I enjoyed writing it, passed some time lol.

    Ps guys, Earthdawn needs all the support it can get, feel free to hit fan but on our campaign :)

    "The Circle of Light - Our Group":

    Thanks folks.
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