
edited June 2012 in General Discussion

I noticed there are no postings in forum about Earthdawn so wanted to take the time to introduce our campaign for anyone interested in trying a new and vibrant fantasy RPG setting.

For those that don't know Earthdawn is basically the fantasy setting for the Shadow Run world

Earthdawn is what happened millions of years before the Shadow Run

This not only makes it a game with a incredible and interesting past, but also a game with a dedicated and highly technological future.

For those interested in learning about Earthdawn
"What is Earthdawn?":

If you have looked at the link above you will see Earthdawn is a game that has faced various hard times, it has struggled among a sea of bigger more established competitors, it has been passed from one publishing company to another, it has been re-written for 3 editions now with a revised 3rd edition on the way, yet still Earthdawn has managed to cling onto life seeing a small and very dedicated following as everyone who played the game in the early 90's (like us) found a great, fun and new system that was perhaps one of the best fantasy settings on the market.

In 1999 Pyramid Magazine called Earthdawn "The millenniums most underrated game"

Simply because while MANY flocked to the more established games they knew little about Earthdawn and its new and more complex system, however for those that did dare delve into the new game they found a new and interesting world filled with high fantasy, epic danger and a colorful but also dark past filled with new enemies, new races, new forms of magic and a system that beat some of the biggest names in the business.

JAN 2012 - In Jan 2012 our group had not played for around 10 years, we had grown up, bought houses, got married, new jobs and role playing seemed like a thing of our long lost past until in Jan 2012 I asked my players. What do you want to play?

Do you want to play AD&D?
Do you want to play Rune Scape?
Do you want to play Vampire?
Do you want to play Path Finder?

Out of the 6 or 7 people I asked (EVERYONE OF THEM) said they want to play EARTHDAWN

The Word of Earthdawn: The world of Earthdawn is not only a dark and high fantasy setting but it is also a post apocalyptic world that has been invaded and ravished by a terrible enemy of demons known only as "The Horrors" meaning this world is not only driven in the high fantasy and magic that you would expect from any fantasy world, but that is also an entire world on the brink of disaster.

Here in Earthdawn you don't just fight to win in fact you fight everyday just to stay alive, you fight to take back your world and to search and entire demon and horror infested landscape that has not been searched for hundreds of years, in fact here in Earthdawn you are the original path finders of your world.

For those interested in learning more about the great Scourge of the Earthdawn world.
"History of the Scourge?":

The world of Earthdawn not only manages to offer a new and exciting system from many of the big names but also delivers a high action and very high danger setting where you have every monster you would expect in a fantasy world, along with an entire array of new ones in the form of the horrors that have invaded the world for the last 400 years, in fact I like to think the name Earthdawn itself represents a "New Dawn" over one of the biggest and most dangerous unexplored landscapes that the RPG universe has to offer, and its still growing.

RECENT UPDATES: For those AD&D / Path Finder die hard fans be aware that Earthdawn (RedBrick LLC) have now published editions / ports of Earthdawn that can be used with the Path Finder rules or the AD&D 4th edition rules. So sure you can even download versions of Earthdawn that work with other systems rules making it one of the most versatile games on the market, however for the price of a few books I'd suggest going for the true Earthdawn 3rd Edition (or latest edition at time) as the game alone is worth playing, but how cool you even have editions that work with Path Finder and AD&D 4th edition rules.

For those interested in looking at a few adventure logs about Earthdawn (Still a work in progress)
"Adventure Log":

FANS: Seems Earthdawn is not very big on OP so by all means we need all the support we can get, feel free to hit the fan button :) and give us some support, the page is still a work in progress but hope it helps introduce more people to a great game.

"The Circle of Light - Our Group":

Thanks folks.


  • twiggyleaf
    Posts: 2,017
    Thanks, FourthLion

    A nice insightful piece of descriptive writing from an obviously dedicated fan.

    "Shimring - The Faces of Divinity":
    (a multiplanar 3.5 D&D campaign)

    "I met a traveller from an antique land....."

    CotM May 2016: Mysteria: set in Wolfgang Baur’s MIDGARD.

    Previous CotM Aug 2012: Shimring: High Level Multiplanar Campaign

    Inner Council Member

  • NinjaFlashX
    Posts: 94
    What FourthLion said!!!

    "Heroes Unchained": - Where Slaves Become Legends

    Heroes Unchained: CotM 2013

  • GamingMegaverse
    Posts: 3,001
    Good luck, and happy playing!
    "A God...Rebuilt":
    "Duskreign's First Ever COTM":
    "OP's COTM April 2012":

    Just trying to help out.

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