Relocated and in need of a new group

edited August 2012 in Player Lounge
Hi all, I have just moved south to Albany WA and am itching to join/start a regular game in the weekend on a fortnightly basis.
My tastes lean more towards traditional style games with interesting little narrative elements built in and a light to medium rules system, but really I will give anything a go.
Monster of the Week came in the mail a couple of days ago and I am keen to play or run a game of it.
Here is a link to it's homepage if you are curious


  • GamingMegaverse
    Posts: 3,001
    Are you looking in person only, or online as well?
    I suggest you try "Looking For Players": . This has links to a number of suggestions, including pen and paper games. I have found players for my game at pen and paper myself.
    "A God...Rebuilt":
    "Duskreign's First Ever COTM":
    "OP's COTM April 2012":

    Just trying to help out.

  • MrNay
    Posts: 3
    I am looking for face to face game sessions, I find online games are pretty easy to start or join. From the looks of things there is only one Albany group with a web presence.
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