Free CSS Templates



  • wolfhound
    Posts: 354
    Hmm. Sounds like the Javascript has gone wonky. Since I didn't design those two I'm gonna have to do guessing.

    What if you set the .dynamic_sheet_html_template {margin-top:-11px;margin-left:-11px;color:black;font:black;}

    That is the class that's after the javascript ... not that it should matter, but I'm curious.

    Also what browser are you editing with? I wasn't getting any issues with my tests using Chrome.
  • Keryth987
    Posts: 1,047
    I'm using Firefox. I'll give your suggestion a try and see what happens

    Keelah Se'lai,
    "Shadows Over New York":
    "Campaign of the Month - July 2013":

  • xxxRocketxxx
    Posts: 8 edited September 2013
    I am trying to get the font to work. I have added it. Not sure how to use it though. Had thought the CSS would apply it for me.
    Post edited by xxxRocketxxx on
  • Basileus
    Posts: 585

    I'm guessing you added Google fonts? Are you using different ones than the default(s) for whichever template you chose? If so, you need to change the references to it in the CSS - easiest way is probably to do a search and replace on the old font name with the new one.

    If you are using the same ones in the template, and have left all the references intact, it should work out of the box with any of the above templates.
  • wolfhound
    Posts: 354 edited September 2013
    3 things have to match exactly

    The name in Google Fonts, has to match the text placed in the Google Fonts option on your campaign settings, has to match the information in quotes for the font-family in CSS.

    1) So if using Innkeeper's ledger, the Google font is Jim Nightshade "":

    2) In your Campaign's Edit Settings -> Google Web Fonts -> Add a Font you have to type/cut n paste Jim Nightshade into the box

    3) In the CSS you have to make sure the value is as follows: font-family:'Jim Nightshade';

    If you change to a different Google Font, you have to do a find/replace on #3

    ps - If you cut and paste from this forum, replace the quotation marks/single quotes with ones you type in manually or it'll fail
    Post edited by wolfhound on
  • xxxRocketxxx
    Posts: 8 edited September 2013
    My mistake had been way simpler. I had figured it out and forgot to post.

    I had actually added the font to my browser settings, rather than the games. Just too drunk.
    Post edited by xxxRocketxxx on
  • PurpleSteve
    Posts: 12 edited October 2013
    Figured I'd add another template for folks to use, the campaign has since moved on to a new page (still in progress) and it's a shame to see it go to waste (though I must have gone back and re-read the adventure logs a dozen times. Gotta love having prolific writers as players :)).

    It was originally used for Shadowrun, and would probably fit a fair few sci-fi/cyberpunk universes. This was the first time I'd played with CSS, so it's not perfect: the background image for posts might need changing, and there might be a few stray styles I missed while I was playing around with it, but I hope someone can find a home for it.

    Have a browse of the page "here":
    The CSS can be found "here":

    Edit: Completely forgot to give some props to Wolfhound for starting this the great templates you've uploaded, and to Basileus for that beautiful iGlass template. Nice work guys :)
    Post edited by PurpleSteve on
  • wolfhound
    Posts: 354
    Just FYI - with the new Kickstarter changes, it may be a while before I can get around to updating these (the ones that are mine anyway)
  • Basileus
    Posts: 585
    I updated the "iGlass": template with a post-Reforge version. It of course is wildly different than the Preforge version, but I tried to preserve the general aesthetic (simple presentation, plenty of transparency, glow, and gradient).

    Apologies to anyone who tried to use it in the meantime, and thanks to Daydreaming for bringing it to my attention that the legacy code was still up there.
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