Character Pages

edited December 2012 in Campaign Portal Building
I don;t even know if this is possible or not.

On my site, I've done up Custom Character Sheet screens. I'm not using the built in OP one as I'm not using CSS too heavily (my game starts in a few weeks and not enough time to redo the entire site).
Anyhow, my players (or myself and then transferred them to their players) have entered their characters through the normal OP means, so, they are listed in the OP Box on the right (ie Andromeda Spiradakos by Elvathadrin). What I'd like to do is change it so if someone clicked on the PC Name in that box, was taken to my custom sheet, rather than the OP sheet. Anyone able to helpo?

As always, thanks. This is the best community to work with by far.

Peace and Long Life,
"Shadows Over New York":


  • Langy
    Posts: 364
    You can't do it directly. Best you can do would be including a link to the actual character sheet from the OP-provided one.
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