ADDED - GM PC Editing

edited July 2007 in Feature Requests


  • dahlillama
    Posts: 20
    Two things relatively low priority, but would be handy:

    1. Some history on what users are editing the Wikis and adventure logs. This would only be visible to the GM of the campaign, and would allow you to see who has added things if you want to reward that. It would also let you see who's abusing the system if that becomes a problem.

    2. I know this was brought up in some way previously, but it would be nice if the GM was able to edit characters that are part of his campaign. It would be nice to be able to fix details, add wiki links, and add xp directly to the character page. Something that could also be added to this would some kind of approval note that would be sent to the character's creator and they would have to approve the changes made. I understand that this would be a long term update, but it would be handy.

    Again, great work on the site, and it's definitely been helpful so far.
  • Micah
    Posts: 894
    h2. Wiki history

    This is something we would like to provide. As things settle and we have time, we'll probably add it without much fanfare. For now, like you said, it's a low priority.

    h2. GM edits PCs

    This is also an issue with NPCs. Originally, the plan was to have every character have a single author. This makes sense for isolated characters, but falls apart for PCs and NPCs (which are kind of owned collectively by the campaign). I think what we will eventually do (possibly very soon) is make a PC/NPC editable by anyone in the campaign. It shouldn't be that hard, as long as we can assume everyone in a campaign is trustworthy enough to edit which brings us to...

    h2. Trust based community

    As I update the permissioning model for campaign resources (blog, wiki pages, PC/NPCs), I am assuming that a campaign contains all trusted users. That's why I would allow anyone to edit a character or wiki page. The main reason for this is that permission systems can quickly get very complicated if you add in workflows like described (ie. you edit, submit the changes, the original author reviews and accepts/rejects, etc.) If everyone can be assumed to be trustworthy, you can avoid a lot of this and make the site easier to use (as well as easier to code...)

    If you can't trust someone in your campaign not to maliciously edit stuff, it might not be a good idea to play the game with them in the first place. Am I wrong on this? Seriously, I'm not standing on a soapbox here, but asking a question to the community at large. Do you play with people you don't trust on this level? If it's a common occurrence, then I should probably think about edit workflows and such.
  • dahlillama
    Posts: 20
    bq. If you can’t trust someone in your campaign not to maliciously edit stuff, it might not be a good idea to play the game with them in the first place. Am I wrong on this? Seriously, I’m not standing on a soapbox here, but asking a question to the community at large. Do you play with people you don’t trust on this level? If it’s a common occurrence, then I should probably think about edit workflows and such.

    I can't disagree with that.

    One thought I had would be for someone who has an idea about your character to makes changes to the character and then submit that to the creator for approval. Of course this could be accomplished outside of this site, and would probably make a lot more sense to do it that way anyways.

    Keep up the great work.
  • deadshot
    Posts: 16
    I replied to this somewhat in another post but wanted to hit this one as well. I think as far as permissions should go, that characters should only be editable by the player and the GM of the campaign. The GM should have the same authority to edit a PC as the player in question. If you can't trust your GM then there's a problem already, right? The rest of the party doesn't need to muck about in other player's PC's I don't think.

    In addition to this, is it possible to make the PC's bio private? Again, the player and the GM should be able to see this part of the PC but the information might not have been revealed to the rest of the party. I like to use PC backgrounds and don't assume everyone knows everyone's life story just because they adventure together. This gives them a chance to roleplay info out. It would still be nice if the player could post that to the PC area but be able to keep it private.
  • Micah
    Posts: 894
    h2. Character permissions

    So, 1 player and GM have permissions for 1 player's PC. Everyone has permissions for NPCs. Does that sound reasonable? It sounds good to me and I could do it without too much trouble.

    h2. Private bio

    I'm starting to think it might be worthwhile to have a private notes area for every character for every user. That way, everyone can post private information that only they can see. This takes care of the GM's notes for PC/NPCs, as well as the private bios.

    However, the GM will probably want to be able to see the private notes taken by the players. In essence, the GM should be able to see everything.

    Is there ever a time the players should be able to (or would want to) hide something from the GM? I try to tell my players to tell me everything so I can think and plan ahead. Even if they're going to do something I will hate, I'd rather know it ahead of time rather than having it sprung on me so I have to ad-lib a reaction.

  • Kanis
    Posts: 5
    The private notes thing sound good to me Micah. This way the players of said character and GM can place information to be used privately. Player could place the part of the background that they don't want others to see in this private section, and cut and paste into the viewable bio as it becomes available to the public. Of course the GM should have free rein over *all* information, player and campaign related. I agree that the player data should not be editable by anyone but the owner and his/her GM.
  • Micah
    Posts: 894
    Just updated the site tonight to add group editable PCs/NPCs. This should make it much easier for groups to keep track of everything they know.

    Private notes and edit histories are in the feature queue...
  • knowman
    Posts: 3
    Micah, did anything every happen with the Private Notes feature? I poked around to see if there was some additional posts on it but just found this one. That strikes me as a useful feature, as there are some secrets my PCs are definitely going to want to keep from each other.

  • lerusius
    Posts: 4
    Yeah that private notes thingie sounds great!

    *Sorry for casting resurrect on a thread this old*
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