counters for members, campaigns, & characters

edited April 2008 in Feature Requests


  • MythicParty
    Posts: 78
    Hi. I think it would be neat to know how many OP members, campaigns, and characters there were at any given time. A running tally to show exactly how OP is growing and the available resources it contains. Now I know its easy to ask and harder to do, but maybe a code similar to what calculates visitors to a website?

    In the middle of November '07, OP got its 500th member Bog97th. I thought I remember hearing about a 1,000th member at some point. With an up-to-the minute calculation of the number of users and the number of things they've created thanks to OP, it'd be a good way to convince other potential members that OP is 'for real.'

    -Steve G.

    p.s. speaking of an upwards count:
  • Micah
    Posts: 894
    We're at over 1500 members right now, I think around 500 campaigns, and several thousand characters. I can look for an accurate count in the database. The pace of registration seems to be increasing, which is exciting for me, but we haven't hit any sort of massive take-off. I'll keep my fingers crossed...

    I'll talk to Ryan about putting the live numbers somewhere, as we're doing a bit of a redesign right now.

    My hope is that the recent updates (usually all within 1-2 hours) and the updated campaigns helps people to realize that the site is alive and buzzing. Personally, I'm finding the recent updates to be very addictive. I keep the RSS feed up in Google reader, watching to see if people comment on stuff.
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