New layout and sub forums?

edited October 2013 in Campaign Portal Building
I can't seem to find an overview of the main forum and the different subforums in my campaign. We will have many different threads and it will be hard to keep them separated, stickied etc if one can't use the normal top down navigation approach?

I saw that you could place a thread in a subforum, so subforums are not gone, when you create the thread or later on edit it. But what difference will that make? How can you create/manage new subforums?

Second question, how do I delete a thread?

Any info would be appreciated.


  • SkidAce
    Posts: 830
    I am having the same concerns.

    In addition, how do I edit a forum post?
  • RyanHeck
    Posts: 33
    The official word, according to this video (, they've done away with subforums. Though I too see them if editing a post. I'm partially disappointed at this decision as one of my campaigns uses the sub-forum functionality to catalog conversations, but not a huge loss.
  • DreadGazebo
    Posts: 218
    Comments on adventure logs have not been nuked, they are still in the database and are currently not being displayed. Micah will be posting later to give an update on how this is being handled.
  • SkidAce
    Posts: 830
    Thanks for your time DreadGazebo...

    Many of us were not just talking about comments, but actually editing a "post" in the "forums".

    I'll double check to see if I'm missing something obvious.
  • DreadGazebo
    Posts: 218
    Hey guys, just wanted to let you know that we're looking into this for sure and not brushing it off by any means. We are aware of the readability issues with the text and with some of the legitimate complaints regarding other features. Currently bugs are being prioritized over the aesthetics but we know that this is a huge issue for a lot of people, it will not fall by the wayside. Give us a day or two though, lots of things need ironing out between now and then. Keep the tickets, comments, etc. coming down the pipe though, we are reading it all. Most of all, stay positive!
  • NilsLindeberg
    Posts: 9
    I appreciate the quick feedback, and hope some of the things can be fixed relatively soon.
    Letting the color scheme / Style choice, include text color and background color for text editing, shouldn't be a huge problem code wise.

    Getting back the old forum layout as a complement to the new dashboard style, might be a bigger problem. But having both must be better than forcing people into one or the other.

    And I have had trouble uploading images to characters. Normal 0.3MB .jpg I move them, I can see the picture change on the edit page and when I click save, nothing happens. Is there a separate save button or something once you get the picture into the edit page's frame?

    At least it is very exciting when things happens and a site is actively developing stuff. That is always a good sign.
  • valvorik
    Posts: 10
    Thanks very much for the update. It's all a process so hopefully the issues addressed. As I posted in another thread, I am liking some of the updates (calendar, dashboard having most recent whatever up front, last time player logged in etc.) I do find tablet display is very wonky - though mostly use PC for the site.
  • Gromnar
    Posts: 5
    I've already sent emails to the Obsidian staff, but I'd suggest giving the option of the old site as opposed to the new one, and re-enabling the subforums, especially for those of us that used them as organizational tools. Such things take time to fix however, so I'm hoping they'll be fixed soon, but we can't expect miracles overnight.
  • GhostWolf69
    Posts: 3
    Sub-forums are gone :-(
    Edit Forum Posts are gone :-(
    Email answers to forum emails to post them... gone :-(
    Option of having any type of overview of the Forum in case you want to re-post something in an old thread... gone :-(
    Nice looking Mobile Site that made perfect sense to use... gone :-(
    Me.... gone :-(

    Seriously guys... this new Forum sucks! Fix it fast!

  • NilsLindeberg
    Posts: 9
    So the subforums are back, yay!

    Now I wonder how I can create new subforums?
  • MarkGiguere
    Posts: 53
    use the "Manage forums" link in the upper right-hand corner.
  • NilsLindeberg
    Posts: 9
    Didn't let me add a sub forum, just another post in the main forum.
  • MarkGiguere
    Posts: 53
    Strange, it worked for me, was able to build entire sub-forum structure. Are you the GM?

    I clicked on "Manage Forums" then on the + symbol in the same location and was brought to a dialog where I could name it, describe it and give it a parent.
  • NilsLindeberg
    Posts: 9
    I tried it again and it worked. First time it only created a double post with the new subforum name as a title. Must have been a bug or some sort of mistake on my part.
  • NilsLindeberg
    Posts: 9
    Now I am happy with the forum again. :-)
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