Reforged Campaigns

edited October 2013 in General Discussion
This is a thread to post and discuss those campaigns that have completed their internal Reforging process.

While it's certainly having some teething problems, and large amounts of stuff have to get changed around (especially on those pages that used a lot of HTML for things), the reforging can definitely produce nicer output - if you design your page for it.

I just finished the public face of the "Edgerunners": campaign site. Go ahead and poke around; let me know if you see anything that looks suspiciously bad.

I'm pretty happy with how most of it looks. Go ahead and post any comments or any of your own sites that have finished their own internal reforgings!


  • SkidAce
    Posts: 830
    Looks great.

    Q: Standard item pages show the image before you click on the link, and after (on the items actual page).

    Your's doesn't. Was this a design choice or a reforging result?
  • Langy
    Posts: 364
    Naw, mine shows it, just the item picture is a part of the right-hand sidebar and I have that hidden until you scroll over it with your mouse. I'm considering making it display in item and character pages, but at the moment I like it with this 'clean' look.
  • SkidAce
    Posts: 830
    I see, I thought the hide right column / mouseover was just for the main page.

    Now I get it.
  • neojackal
    Posts: 2
    On your main page, you have the black/brown circuit pattern behind your main content section. What class did you apply your background image to? I've gone through and applied some style to main-content-container and attempted main-content, but I seem to be incapable of destroying this eye-destroying white background new-OP put behind all my main container content.

    I think you've done a great job of re-styling to the new site layout so far. Definitely leaps and bounds past where the rest of us have gotten. :)
  • Langy
    Posts: 364
    That background image is applied to er-body, which is a custom class that's added to a text block by using a div in the page.

    The white background is created by the wiki-page class; you should be able to toss it easily enough. The code for that is:

    .wiki-page {
    background-color: #202020 !important;
    color:white !important;

    I really, really recommend using Chrome's inspect feature (right click on something in chrome and select 'inspect this element') to figure out what classes are doing what and what's going on in your site's CSS. It's really *the* thing that allowed me to fix up my site so fast (and that still took 6 hours or so of actual work, though some of it was spent on messing with the banner and a few other things).
  • neojackal
    Posts: 2
    You're a saint. I'm a huge fan of inspect element as well. I've been using it to dig out little bits and pieces, but that was one that had eluded me. Too many small parts to focus on that distracted me, I suppose.

    Thanks for the help; it's greatly appreciated!
  • JaymesBolton
    Posts: 278
    How did you do the sidebar? And would you be willing to answer other questions...I used mostly HTML on my site and the reforge just kinda scrapped it...


    "Changing History":
    "COTM Feburary 2013":
  • Belrathius
    Posts: 206
    Hi James,

    You may want to take advantage of the Vanguard program; as someone else pointed out, no one has requested assistance there even though that is the very point of why they implemented it.
  • madartiste
    Posts: 328 edited October 2013
    I've got most of "Rise of Asmodeus": back in working order (though I want to tweak some font sizes and clean up a few things). It didn't take me as long as I feared. I managed to wrangle the navbar into a horizontal format, which I'm pretty pleased with. I'm working on figuring out how to replace the text with a background as I did before, but with the sudden lack of classes on the individual navbar links, it's proving more difficult than before. If anyone has some advice on that, I'd love to hear it.
    Post edited by madartiste on
  • Langy
    Posts: 364
    You can use the nth-child or nth-of-type selectors for that instead of _needing_ to use individually-tagged navbar elements, madartiste.
  • SkidAce
    Posts: 830
    Hey madartiste, apologies up front just in case.

    I was scouting out how you have refined your site and was looking at the map section. It shows "ME" the new map option, so I clicked it. It appears that it would have let me upload a map, but wisely I choose a file I knew was too large.

    So no harm done, but i wanted you and the OP folks know that don't look right to me.
  • saethone
    Posts: 153 edited October 2013
    I have Zeroed more or less up to date. Just worked on it during downtime, took maybe 2-3 hours altogether to piece it back together..

    My friends and I actually recently started a new game, and I waited to start styling the wiki until this was finished. Now that its done, I'm going to start building one from the ground up on the reforge. I'm looking forward to seeing how that comes out!
    Post edited by saethone on
  • madartiste
    Posts: 328
    @Langy: I was hoping to avoid nth child shenanigans but you're right thst it would work. It's just kind of ugly... I'll give it a shot tomorrow and see how it goes.

    @Skidace: Wow! That's kind of an oversight there... I didn't make any changes to the map pageso I have no idea what's going on there.
  • Langy
    Posts: 364
    Madartiste: Yeah, definitely agree it is kinda ugly - but ugly'll get the job done when pretty won't.

    Saeth, gotta say, you've really pimped Zeroed out since I saw it last! Good work!
  • BrianAdamantite
    Posts: 43 edited October 2013
    I there I mostly have Regnum, the Fall back to working order. I am still dicking around with which one of seven banners I wanna keep.


    Stop by, check it out, and if you like it show some love.

    Without Langy it would be more broken. This is mostly me going thru and editing nav bars on each page. Meh, it happens!

    Is anyone else noticing the uploading picture feature is not working?

    Post edited by BrianAdamantite on
  • madartiste
    Posts: 328
    BTW, Langy, I tried out the nth-child selector and I'm not sure it's going to work. It looks great if you're in a campaign you are a part of, but when you're not logged in, the dashboard li is missing and screws things up. I'll have to see if there's a better way...
  • Langy
    Posts: 364
    Check out the CSS classes at the top of the source code of any page on the OP; you'll see that campaigns that you are a part of have the 'campaign-member' class. That'll allow you to style it specifically for campaign members (including the dashboard li) and those not in your campaign (not including the dashboard li). You'll need twice the CSS code, but it'll all be copy+pasting, so not a big deal.
  • Langy
    Posts: 364
    Oh, that campaign-member tag? That'll also allow you to hide specific content from the view of people who aren't members of your campaign if you like while still allowing people to see all other pages. Use something like:

    Secret details go here!

    Haha, you aren't a campaign member! You don't get to see the secrets!

    And in your css use:

    .campaign-secret { display:none; }

    .campaign-member .campaign-secret { display:block; }

    .campaign-member .secret-public-view { display:none; }
  • madartiste
    Posts: 328
    Oh dag! I'd totally missed that campaign-member thing! *forehead slap*
    Well, now I feel silly, and you've saved my day!
  • Bondoid
    Posts: 35 edited October 2013
    Sweet, Madartiste, Langy, I've been killing myself trying to get a horizontal nav working

    Come back to the forum, and you guys already figured it out : )

    With that my campaign is nearly finished. Need to take a longer look at the new adventure log system...

    "The Legacy of Fire":
    Post edited by Bondoid on
  • madartiste
    Posts: 328
    Bondoid, that looks great!
  • GamingMegaverse
    Posts: 3,001
    By no means done (still have hundreds of pages to go, literally) but "A God...Rebuilt": is beginning to take shape again!
    As always, thanks to those that do the dirty work (mostly Langy, AZ Rune and CraigCoxson) I also have my "CSS Posted":

    Just trying to help out.

  • WolfLord
    Posts: 278
    I've got the front pages done but have to go in to every individual wiki page still -_- hundreds bleh. Let me know what u guys think of the new look though! Hoping it's not too cluttered I like a nice and neat wiki

    "Avatar: Conquest of the Imperial Order":
    "Duskreign’s Favorite CotM January 2012":
    "CotM November 2011":
  • BrianAdamantite
    Posts: 43 edited October 2013
    *** IMG tutorial ***

    I want to replace the image in this HTML tag ...

    with a new one I uploaded on cloudfront...

    So I am going to splice out the html part of the textile url code...

    and paste it here...

    To test it I will open a new tab/window and paste the HTML url

    Now it looks cleaner in HTML


    I hope this helps people if they want HTML over Textile
    Post edited by BrianAdamantite on
  • madartiste
    Posts: 328
    Hey gang, "Asmodeus has risen again": (though he's still putting all his things back on the proper shelves).
    After it was requested, I figured I'd put most of my code into a Wiki page in case it might be useful for someone. I tried to leave clear comments on the code, but if something doesn't make sense, just ask: "You can find the CSS here":
  • GamingMegaverse
    Posts: 3,001
    YES!!! Looking good Madartiste! Thanks for sharing! You,DavidNic, and crew deserve COTM!
    Your site may actually look better now, which is an inspiration for those of us struggling!
    "A God...Rebuilt":
    Unabashadly pushing for 300 fans!

    Just trying to help out.

  • madartiste
    Posts: 328
    KillerVP, it looks like A God... Rebuilt is coming along nicely too!
    I'm actually kind of having fun (in between the frustrated fits of snarling at my computer screen).
  • nDervish
    Posts: 3
    "_Oh, that campaign-member tag? That’ll also allow you to hide specific content from the view of people who aren’t members of your campaign if you like while still allowing people to see all other pages._"

    Do note, however, that this isn't _really_ secret. CSS can only prevent the "secrets" from being displayed in a regular page view. Anyone who bothers to view the page source (or set up a local stylesheet to override the appropriate sections of your CSS) will still be able to see them just fine.
  • Langy
    Posts: 364
    Yep, true, nDervish - but meh. It's probably good enough.
  • Thorvaldr
    Posts: 141
    Well, viewing the page source, and/or setting up a local style sheet... or simply forgetting to log in. :P

    It looks like a nifty feature though. Not sure what I'd use it for... but it's kinda cool!

    DM of "Tyellador":
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