[NOTICE] Support Site - Please Read

edited August 2015 in General Archive
Hey everyone,

Ok, so I saw some people mention this around, and I want to confirm the issue is happening for me as well. There seems to be something up on the Support Site here where it is not posting stuff properly. This is of course on my radar, but I wanted to post here about it since it is causing delays in my ability to respond to your tickets (a number I have worked on today just will not update for me). This, of course, makes it difficult for you to know what is going on. As a result, I will be submitting that issue as part of our first round fixes (because I need you guys to be able to efficiently report issues to us, and for me to be able to respond). I will still be trying my best to get comments in on the Support Page until this is resolved, and I will try and post something in the Support Site about the issue if I can get it to stick. If you need to in the interim, know that I am looking both here and on the Support Site, so if you just can't get something to post on there feel free to drop it in over here on the forums to save yourself some sanity.

I'm sorry everyone for all the hurdles that are having to be navigated here, but it is going to get better. I am going to be bringing a series of the issues up to our devs in a meeting with them, and I will let you guys know what gets put into what priorities and the sort once this has been done. I am going to try and be transparent as I am possibly able to with you all. There are a lot of items in a lot of states of progress, many things assigned so long ago they are obviously not actually assigned to anyone anymore and things fell through cracks over time, and possibly even some closed items that shouldn't be (judging by how many items killervp and others had to reopen I wouldn't be surprised if some things might have been missed).

As a status update on my end, I have been making some headway on looking into all the details on the support site. I have gotten through some items here on the forums as well, most prominently the post that killervp resurrected for us (and was started by Belrathius, huge kudos) with all sorts of super helpful insight on things. I have also been reviewing over all the documentation that has built up over the years on this system, looking for promises made and things of that nature in various notes and such. I still have a lot of items to get through, but I am on top of it each day since coming on.

Oh, and one last thing in here as well to go along with all this. I am an East Coast, USA local so you have a better idea of what my hours of availability are like. Even with that, I try to be as available as I am humanly able, and lots of things will ping me so I know when folks are trying to get at me.



  • Unknown
    Ha! Got it on the third try, there is now a post about this on the Support Site as well.
  • Abersade
    Posts: 422 edited August 2015
    This is fantastic. That bug with the Support Site has been driving me bonkers. If it's helpful, the bug seems to happen more often when posting anything with a link in it.
    Post edited by Abersade on

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  • Unknown
    I have been getting it a good bit without links as well. Was driving me batty yesterday as I was trying to reply to things. Managed to get a whopping two through after I got the post up about this.
  • Unknown
    I managed to get a few more responses posted up this evening, and many more that were just not going through. So, yea, this is certainly going to be a top priority bug as it makes it really hard to properly engage with you guys on issues over there when half the time I can't respond. I will be keeping at trying as I am able to, but I also need to keep my time vested in actually getting things to the devs and such. I've put together a first round of items that I will be posting further details on a little later once I have talked to the devs more directly about them and can give some better insight on what the plans are.
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