Remove the dragon head, line, and white campaign name

edited October 2015 in Campaign Portal Building
I'm trying to get rid of the dragon head, line, and white campaign name that sits above the banner but am having trouble even searching for anything about it because I don't even know what to call these elements. I have seen other campaigns with them removed so its definitely possible. Anyone able to help?


  • Gryphyx
    Posts: 4
    I'll answer my own comment for posterity:

    .flame-dragon {display: none;}
    .campaign-public-layout #campaign-summary-row .campaign-public-title-container { display: none; )
  • RaseCidraen
    Posts: 890
    Rats - I was just scouring through my CSS to figure out how we did it to swoop in and help, but there you go, figuring it out on your own!
  • Gryphyx
    Posts: 4
    The effort is appreciated none-the-less.
  • ChainsawXIV
    Posts: 530
    For anyone else who happens along, a great way to approach this type of question is to right click on the element in your browser, and choose the inspect option (or your browser's equivalent). In all modern browsers this will bring up a screen where you can navigate your way through the layout of the page, and inspect the styles applied to each element. You can copy and paste the selectors from there.
  • Gryphyx
    Posts: 4
    Now THAT is teaching a man to fish. Thank you.
  • twiggyleaf
    Posts: 2,017 edited November 2015
    Chainsaw XIV still rockin' (I remember how crucial it was to me when I first experienced "Inspect Element")

    Post edited by twiggyleaf on

    "I met a traveller from an antique land....."

    CotM May 2016: Mysteria: set in Wolfgang Baur’s MIDGARD.

    Previous CotM Aug 2012: Shimring: High Level Multiplanar Campaign

    Inner Council Member

  • GamingMegaverse
    Posts: 3,001
    You are still the man, Chainsaw!

    Just trying to help out.

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