Tips on formatting and style of a campaign?


  • Exmond
    Posts: 3
    Hello all.

    Im coming up with some problems with formatting in my adventure posts. One thing i like is linking the characters names to the character pages. Only issue I have is when to do it, too often and it gets ugly, too litle and you only have a few underlined character names and it looks ugly.

    (( is an example of what i have been doing))

    Also, how do you guys set your adventure logs to have the "read more here" and only display the first few paragraphs of the adventure log? Ive seen many of the top campaigns doing it, and I rather like that format, since the people are greeted to a giant wall of text when they click on my campaign.

    Thanks for the help, it is appreciated.
  • FemmeLegion
    Posts: 521
    Oh heck, I can't remember clearly, but there's some sort of "more" tag. You might look on the Feature Requests board and see if that's where Micah announced it.

    I've been meaning to switch the Vale over to that format, since then I wouldn't have to keep pasting in URLs so people can read one session to the next, but I haven't yet, otherwise I'd remember for sure. =)
  • DarthKrzysztof
    Posts: 132
    The "read the rest of this entry" tag is:

    Those should be double hyphens on either side of 'more,' not long dashes. Textile formatting keeps putting a strikethrough.

    It's totally invisible when you're viewing the complete post, so you can drop it in the middle of a paragraph if that's more dramatic.
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