Happy with site improvements? Kudos to wolfhound and ChainsawXIV

edited January 2016 in General Archive
Hey all,

If you've been happy with the site fixes and upgrades you've seen recently, do give props and kudos to wolfhound and ChainsawXIV.

I've been doing long skype calls with them over the past couple of weeks to flesh out the details of KS stretch goals, bug fixes and feature upgrades.

So while you might have seen an upgrade mentioned on the forum or on the OP Reforged page, what you probably didn't see is that a bunch of planning goes into figuring out how to implement it (for the bug fixes that go beyond allows ">" as a special character in CSS or replacing Spanish, Nordic special characters in campaign URLs that result in 404s).

So if you look what you'll be seeing in the coming weeks/months, do take a moment to thank them for their time in brainstorming how to implement features that will make OP a better place (taking brief breaks for iron rations, or sesame chicken and fried rice...).


And we're always looking for experienced OP members to give their input in designing the features (in some cases we'll be doing up wireframes, pen-and-paper sketches for what new pages (like the file storage locker management page for various campaign assets should look like. Should it appear in a new tab? a new page? a pop-up? Really earth shattering stuff that will make the difference between being able to find your GM stuff at the right time, or having your players look at you across the table, murderous gleams in their eyes, with a WTF vibe hanging in the air.

Anyhoo, comment or PM if you're interested in helping out.

We want to build shi, er, stuff that you can use.

PS: If you like the stuff you see, do thank wolfhound and ChainsawXIV.
If you hate something new that we've put in, it's probably my fault.


  • GamingMegaverse
    Posts: 3,001
    Thanks to Wolfhound and ChainsawXIV!! Happy that improvements are occurring, just hope it continues. Still lots of open help tickets.

    Just trying to help out.

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