[3.5ed] [Madison, WI] Looking to fill a few slots.


Hey guys,

I'm putting together a 3.5 game. Hoping to start at level 1 and just grow a campaign organically. Setting will be a more classical fantasy setting (Greyhawk), but I'm open to concessions based on character concept. I'll be using various sources in 3.5 and converting/pillaging for flavor from older editions.

I value role play over combat, so it won't be a hack and slash. That being said, I will more likely than not make changes based on player interest.

I host. Bring your own dice. Time is to to be determined based on players availability (Expect either an after 5pm weekday game, or later morning Saturday/Sunday game). Expect a start date of two weeks from now.

If interested, let me know. I'll provide further details.

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