Pathfinder RPG Character Sheet


  • redstar
    Posts: 119
    If anyone is planning a game for the new Pathfinder RPG, or is in need of a character sheet for a game already in play, feel free to use the one below. You can see an example "here":

    p=. "!!":

    h1. Character Name


    h2. Background


    h2. Character Sheet

    table{border:1px solid black}.
    |\8={background:#000; color:white}.Description |
    | Class |=. class(lvl) | Race |=. race |Alignment |=.align |Diety |=.diety|
    |Size |=. l/m/s | Gender |=. m/f | Height |=. 0 | Weight |=. 0 |
    |Eyes |=. eyes | Hair |=. hair | Skin |=. skin | Age |=.0 |

    table{border:1px solid black}.
    |\3={background:#000; color:white}.Abilities |
    | Ability | Score | Modifier |
    | Str |=. 0 |=. 0 |
    | Dex |=. 0 |=. 0 |
    | Con |=. 0 |=. 0 |
    | Int |=. 0 |=. 0 |
    | Wis |=. 0 |=. 0 |
    | Cha |=. 0 |=. 0 |

    table{border:1px solid black}.
    |\6={background:#000; color:white}.Hit Points|
    | HP |=. 0 | DR |=. 0 | SR |=. 0 |
    |\6={background:#000; color:white}.Initiative|
    |\2.Total |\2. Dex Mod|\2. Misc|
    |\2={background:#ddd}. 0 |\2=.0 |\2=.0|
    |\5={background:#000; color:white}.Fate Points|=. 0|

    table{border:1px solid black}.
    |\6={background:#000; color:white}. Speed |
    |\2=. Base Speed |=. ft |\2=. With Armor |=. ft |
    |\2=. Fly |=. ft |\2=. Maneuverability |=. 0 |
    | Swim |=. ft | Climb |=. ft | Burrow |=. ft |

    table{border:1px solid black}.
    |\9={background:#000; color:white}.Armor Class|
    |Total | Base | Armor | Shield | Dex Mod |=. Size | Natural | Deflection | Misc |
    |={background:#ddd}. 0 |=. 10 |=. 0 |=. 0 |=. 0 |=. 0 |=. 0 |=. 0 |=. 0 |
    |Touch |\4=.0 |Flat-Footed |\3=.0 |

    table{border:1px solid black}.
    |\6={background:#000; color:white}.Saving Throws|
    |Save|Total|Base|Abil Mod|Magic Mod|Misc|
    |Fortitude (Con)|={background:#ddd}. 0 |=. 0 |=. 0 |=. 0 |=. 0 |
    |Reflex (Dex) |={background:#ddd}. 0 |=. 0 |=. 0 |=. 0 |=. 0 |
    |Will (Wis) |={background:#ddd}. 0 |=. 0 |=. 0 |=. 0 |=. 0 |

    table{border:1px solid black}.
    |\2.Base Attack Bonus |\3=.0 |
    |\5={background:#000; color:white}.Combat Maneuver Bonus |
    |Total|Base Att Bonus|Str Mod|Size Mod|Misc|
    |={background:#ddd}. 0 |=. 0 |=. 0 |=. 0 |=. 0 |

    table{border:1px solid black; width:65%}.
    |\4={background:#000; color:white}.Attacks|
    |Attack|Att Bonus|Damage|Critical|
    |Att name|=. 0 |=. 0 |=. 0 |
    |\2=.Range |\2=.Type |
    |\2=.0|\2=.0 |
    |Notes|\3. notes |

    table{border:1px solid black; width:65%}.
    |Attack|Att Bonus|Damage|Critical|
    |Att name|=. 0 |=. 0 |=. 0 |
    |\2=.Range |\2=.Type |
    |\2=.0|\2=.0 |
    |Notes|\3. notes |

    table{border:1px solid black; width:65%}.
    |Attack|Att Bonus|Damage|Critical|
    |Att name|=. 0 |=. 0 |=. 0 |
    |\2=.Range |\2=.Type |
    |\2=.0|\2=.0 |
    |Notes|\3. notes |

    table{border:1px solid black; width=75%}.
    |\8={background:#000; color:white}. Armor Class Gear|
    |=. Item |=. Bonus |=. Type |=. Check Penalty |=. Spell Failure |=. Weight |=. Properties |
    | itemname |=. X |=. X |=. X |=. X |=. X |=. X |
    | itemname |=. X |=. X |=. X |=. X |=. X |=. X |
    | itemname |=. X |=. X |=. X |=. X |=. X |=. X |
    |={background:#ddd}. Totals |={background:#ddd}. 0 |={background:#ddd}. 0 |={background:#ddd}. 0 |={background:#ddd}. 0 |={background:#ddd}. 0 |={background:#ddd}. 0 |

    table{border:1px solid black}.
    |\7={background:#000; color:white}.Skills |
    |=.Class |=.Skill |=.Ability |=. Total |=.Abil Mod |=.Ranks |=. Misc |
    |=.o |Acrobatics |=. DEX | |={background:#ddd}.0 |=. 0 |=. 0 |=. 0 |
    |=.o |Appraise |=. INT | |={background:#ddd}.0 |=. 0 |=. 0 |=. 0 |
    |=.o |Bluff |=. CHA | |={background:#ddd}.0 |=. 0 |=. 0 |=. 0 |
    |=.o |Climb |=. STR | |={background:#ddd}.0 |=. 0 |=. 0 |=. 0 |
    |=.o |Craft |=. INT | |={background:#ddd}.0 |=. 0 |=. 0 |=. 0 |
    |=.o |Craft |=. INT | |={background:#ddd}.0 |=. 0 |=. 0 |=. 0 |
    |=.o |Craft |=. INT | |={background:#ddd}.0 |=. 0 |=. 0 |=. 0 |
    |=.o |Diplomacy |=. CHA| |={background:#ddd}.0 |=. 0 |=. 0 |=. 0 |
    |=.o |Disable Device |=. INT| |={background:#ddd}.0 |=. 0 |=. 0 |=. 0 |
    |=.o |Disguise |=. CHA| |={background:#ddd}.0 |=. 0 |=. 0 |=. 0 |
    |=.o |Fly |=. DEX| |={background:#ddd}.0 |=. 0 |=. 0 |=. 0 |
    |=.o |Escape Artist |=. DEX| |={background:#ddd}.0 |=. 0 |=. 0 |=. 0 |
    |=.o |Handle Animal |=. CHA| |={background:#ddd}.0 |=. 0 |=. 0 |=. 0 |
    |=.o |Heal |=. WIS| |={background:#ddd}.0 |=. 0 |=. 0 |=. 0 |
    |=.o |Intimidate |=. CHA| |={background:#ddd}.0 |=. 0 |=. 0 |=. 0 |
    |=.o |Knowledge|=. INT| |={background:#ddd}.0 |=. 0 |=. 0 |=. 0 |
    |=.o |Knowledge|=. INT| |={background:#ddd}.0 |=. 0 |=. 0 |=. 0 |
    |=.o |Linguistics |=. INT| |={background:#ddd}.0 |=. 0 |=. 0 |=. 0 |
    |=.o |Perception |=. Wis| |={background:#ddd}.0 |=. 0 |=. 0 |=. 0 |
    |=.o |Perform |=. CHA| |={background:#ddd}.0 |=. 0 |=. 0 |=. 0 |
    |=.o |Profession |=. WIS| |={background:#ddd}.0 |=. 0 |=. 0 |=. 0 |
    |=.o |Ride |=. DEX| |={background:#ddd}.0 |=. 0 |=. 0 |=. 0 |
    |=.o |Sense Motive |=. WIS| |={background:#ddd}.0 |=. 0 |=. 0 |=. 0 |
    |=.o |Sleight of Hand |=. DEX| |={background:#ddd}.0 |=. 0 |=. 0 |=. 0 |
    |=.o |Spellcraft |=. INT| |={background:#ddd}.0 |=. 0 |=. 0 |=. 0 |
    |=.o |Survival |=. WIS| |={background:#ddd}.0 |=. 0 |=. 0 |=. 0 |
    |=.o |Swim |=. STR| |={background:#ddd}.0 |=. 0 |=. 0 |=. 0 |
    |=.o |Use Magic Device |=. CHA| |={background:#ddd}.0 |=. 0 |=. 0 |=. 0 |

    table{border:1px solid black; width:65%}.
    |\4={background:#000; color:white}.Feats|
    |Big Ass Sword| +2 Damage w/ off hand | PRPG p.40|

    table{border:1px solid black; width:65%}.
    |\4={background:#000; color:white}.Race/Class Abilities|
    |Rend| +2 w/ Natural Weapons | FRCS p.103|

    table{border:1px solid black}.
    |\5={background:#000; color:white}. Spells |
    |\3=. Domain/Speciality School |\2=. X |
    | Spells Known | Save DC | Level | Spells Per Day | Bonus Spells |
    |=. X |=. X |=. 0 |=. X |=. 0 |
    |=. X |=. X |=. 1 |=. X |=. X |
    |=. X |=. X |=. 2 |=. X |=. X |
    |=. X |=. X |=. 3 |=. X |=. X |
    |=. X |=. X |=. 4 |=. X |=. X |
    |=. X |=. X |=. 5 |=. X |=. X |
    |=. X |=. X |=. 6 |=. X |=. X |
    |=. X |=. X |=. 7 |=. X |=. X |
    |=. X |=. X |=. 8 |=. X |=. X |
    |=. X |=. X |=. 9 |=. X |=. X |

    table{border:1px solid black; width=60%}.
    |\8={background:#000; color:white}. Wealth|
    |=. CP |=.0 |=. SP |=. 0 |=. GP |=. 0 |=. PP |=. 0 |
    |\8=. Objects (Wt)|
    |\8. X (0 lbs)|
    |\8. X |
    |\8. X |
    |\8. X |
    |\8. X |

    table{border:1px solid black; width=60%}.
    |\6={background:#000; color:white}. Inventory|
    |\5. Item |=. Wt |
    |\5. itemname |=. 0 |
    |\5. itemname |=. 0 |
    |\5. itemname |=. 0 |
    |\5. itemname |=. 0 |
    |\5>{background:#ddd}. Total Weight |=. 0|
    |Light Load |=. 0 | Medium Load |=. 0 | Heavy Load |=. 0|
    |Over Head |=. 0| Off Ground |=. 0| Drag or Push |=.0|

    Thanks Gh0st for making "this one":!
  • PatrickW
    Posts: 3
    I've discovered that copying the code into a wiki page while WYSIWYG is on breaks the code. Had to turn that off and then copy it over. After saving, I could reactivate WYSIWYG and everything would keep working fine.

    Thank you for all the hard work coding that up!
  • Tuathal
    Posts: 3
    I couldn't figure out how to turn off wysiwyg... help? :)
  • MarcusGunn12
    Posts: 1
    I'm sorry, but could someone dumb this down for me? I assumed that this was something you could copy and past into the window for your character description on this site, and that it would automatically format into the example character sheet when viewed outside the edit character screen. Sadly, I couldn't get it to work that way. Could someone please explain to me how this works? Thanks.
  • ChainsawXIV
    Posts: 530
    I'm guessing something is fouled up from the forum conversion here, since this is an older post. Unfortunately, since this uses mostly Textile formatting I'm not sure what might be going wrong. In any case, it's probably not anything you're doing. The template is most likely in need of updates or repairs.
  • Tuathal
    Posts: 3
    Thats what I found to be the case as well. The | got turned into tabs and completely buggered all the tables beyond even my patience to repair. I wish there was a fully wysiwyg textile editor available somewhere or an html to textile converter... or something.
  • ChainsawXIV
    Posts: 530
    You _can_ just use HTML instead of Textile in your wiki page, for what it's worth. Really though, we just need the tags to work on the forums like they used to, and all these damaged posts would repair themselves - having looked under the hood of a few of my own older posts, the original text is still intact, it's just interpreted into broken form when displayed to us.
  • MarcusMorrisey
    Posts: 1
    Thanks Chainsaw for the sheet. Is it possible to make this work on the current Obsidian Portal though?
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