How do I make more pages for my "party Wiki"


  • Gilgamesh
    Posts: 4
    I'd like to make more than adventure log posts similar to most of the other sites here, but I cant seem to figure out how to add anything other than the 1 main post for the party wiki, and add posts on the adventure log... How do I do this?
  • Micah
    Posts: 894
    Hi and welcome!

    First off, the controls for editing and adding are only available if you're logged in. So, be sure that you're logged in.

    *Adventure Log*

    To add more posts to the adventure log, click on the "Create new post" link at the top.

    *Wiki Pages*

    To create a new wiki page, edit an existing page and add a wiki link. It will look like this
    [[new page name]]

    You can also specify different text if you want like this:
    [[new page name | my new page]]

    When you save the page, a new link that say "new page name" (or "my new page" in the second example) will appear in red. Clicking this link will take you to an edit screen where you can create the new page.

    When you're editing your wiki pages, there is a sidebar on the right that describes some of the most common functions. Try experimenting with those. In particular, take note of how easy it is to link to characters. Just use a link like this:

    You have to set a URL-friendly name for your characters (also called a slug), but this is very easy and is done when editing the character.

    If this didn't help, or you have any more questions, don't hesitate to keep asking.
  • FemmeLegion
    Posts: 521

    I was referring to this advice while helping Florimel set up his campaign notes, and I noticed that the site didn't like dashes in the page names (I had intended to name each page "av-whatever" and then just specify new text in each link). Dashes work fine in character slugs, but not new wiki pages.

    Just thought I'd share my experience in case someone else is out there getting frustrated.
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